Saturday, August 31, 2019

Business Analysis. Introduction to data modeling

Before you sit down In front of the keyboard and start creating a database application, it is critical that you take a step back and consider your business problem-?in this case, the kitchen supply scenario presented in Lesson 2-? from a conceptual point of view. To facilitate this process, a number of conceptual modeling techniques have been developed by computer scientists, psychologists, and consultants. For our purposes, we can think of a conceptual model as a picture of the Information system we are going to build. To use an analogy, conceptual models are to Information systems what blueprints are to buildings.There are many different conceptual modeling techniques used in practice. Each technique uses a different set of symbols and may focus on a different part of the problem (e. G. , data, processes, information flows, objects, and so on). Despite differences in notation and focus, however, the underlying rationale for conceptual modeling techniques is always the Michael Bryon ([email  protected] Ca) Last update: 02-May-01 1 of 23 An Introduction to data modeling Introduction: The importance of conceptual 3. 1. 1. 1 Entities and attributes What is data modeling?A data model is a simply a diagram that describes the most important â€Å"things† in your business environment from a data-centric point of view. To illustrate, consider the simple RED shown in Figure 3. 1 . The purpose of the diagram is to describe the relationship between the data stored about products and the data stored about the organizations that supply the products. FIGURE 3. 1: An RED showing a relationship between products and suppliers. The rectangles in Figure 3. 1 are called entity types (typically shortened to â€Å"entities†) and the ovals are called attributes.The entities are the â€Å"things† in the business environment about which we want to store data. The attributes provide us with a means of organizing and structuring the data. For example, we need to s tore certain information about the products that we sell, such as the typical selling price of the product (â€Å"Unit price†) and the quantity of the product currently in inventory (â€Å"Sty on hand†). These pieces of data are attributes of the Product entity. It is important to note that the precise manner in which data are used and processed within a particular business application is a separate issue from data modeling.For example, the data model says nothing about how the value of â€Å"Sty on hand† is changed over time. The focus in data modeling is on capturing data about the environment. You will learn how to change this data (e. G. Process orders so that the inventory values are updated) once you have mastered the art of database design. Product Unit price Sty on hand Product Entity supplied by Cardinality Attributes Supplier Relationship Name Address A data modeled assumes that if the right data is available, the other elements of the application will fall into place effortlessly and wonderfully. For now, this is a good working assumption.Introduction: The importance of conceptual environment in which your wholesale company operates. However, it is easy to imagine a different environment in which each product is supplied by multiple suppliers. For example, many suppliers may carry a particular brand of wire whisk. When you run out of whisks, it is up to you to decide where to place your order. In other words, it is possible that a many-to-many relationship exists between suppliers and products. If multiple supplier exist, attributes of the product, such as its price and product number may vary from supplier to supplier.In this situation, the data requirements of a many-tomato environment are slightly more complex than those of the one-to-many environment. If you design and implement your database around the one-to-many assumption but hen discover that certain goods are supplied by multiple suppliers, much effort is going to be r equired to fix the problem. In addition to entities and attributes, Figure 3. 1 shows a relationship between the two entities using a line and a diamond. The relationship construct is used-?not surprisingly-?to indicate the existence or absence of a relationship between entities.A crows foot at either end of a relationship line is used to denote the cardinality of the relationship. For example, the crow's foot on the product side of the relationship in Figure 3. 1 indicates that a particular supplier may provide your company with overall different products, such as bowls, spatulas, wire whisks and so on. The absence of a crow's foot on the supplier side indicates that each product in your inventory is provided by a single supplier. Thus, the relationship in Figure 3. 1 indicates that you always buy all your wire whisks from the same company. . 1. 1. 3 Modeling assumptions The relationship shown in Figure 3. 1 is called one-to-many: each supplier supplies many products (where many me ans â€Å"any number including zero') but each product is supplied by one supplier (where â€Å"one† means â€Å"at most one†). The decision to use a nee-to-many relationship reflects an assumption about the business Herein lies the point of drawing an RED: The diagram makes your assumptions about the relationships within a particular business environment explicit before you start building things. The role of the modeled 3. 1. 1. In the environment used in these tutorials, you are the user, the designer, and the implementer An introduction to data modeling of the system. In a more realistic environment, however, these roles are played by different individuals (or groups) with different (programmers, database specialists, and so on) is that they seldom leave their busbies to communicate with end-users of the software they are writing. Similarly, it is generally safe to assume that users have no interest in, or understanding of, low- level technical details (such as the cardinality of relationships on Reds, mechanisms to enforce referential integrity, and so on).Thus, it is up to the business analyst to bridge the communication gap between the different groups involved in the construction, use, and administration of an information system. As a business analyst (or more generally, a designer), it is critical that you walk through your conceptual oodles with users and make sure that your modeling assumptions are appropriate. In some cases, you may have to examine sample data from the existing computer- based or manual system to determine whether (for instance) there are any products that are supplied by multiple suppliers.At the modeling stage, making changes such as converting a one-to-many relationship to a many-to-many relationship is trivial-? all that is required is the addition of a crows foot to one Introduction: The importance of conceptual end of the relationship, as shown in Figure 3. 2. In contrast, making the same change once you have im plemented tables, lilt a user interface, and written code is a time-consuming and frustrating chore. FIGURE 3. 2: An RED for an environment in which there is a many-to-many relationship between products and suppliers.Product Unit price Sty on hand The addition of a second crows foot transforms the one-to-many relationship into a many-to-many relationship. Supplier Generally, you can count on the lox rule of thumb when building software: the cost of making a change increases by an order of magnitude for each stage of the systems development lifestyle that you complete. An introduction to data modeling Introduction: The importance of conceptual 3. 1. 2. 1 Entities 3. 1 . 2 Data meddlers typically adopt a set of notational conventions so that their diagrams are consistent.For example, large IT organizations and consultancies typically adopt a methodology-?a set of tools and procedures for applying the tools that specifies the notation used within the organization. Enforcing standardiza tion in this way facilitates teamwork on large projects. Similarly, if a computerized software engineering (CASE) tool is used for conceptual modeling and design, notational conventions are often enforced by the software. What follows is a brief summary of the notational conventions that I use when drawing Reds.Keep in mind, however, that Reds are first and foremost a tool for communication between humans. As such, the precise notation you use is not particularly important as long as people can read and understand the diagrams. With experience, you will come to realize that differences in the shapes of the boxes and lines have little effect on the core concepts of data modeling. Entities are drawn as rectangular boxes containing a noun in singular form, as shown in Figure 3. 3. FIGURE 3. 3: An entity named â€Å"Customer†. CustomerYou will see later that each entity you draw ultimately becomes a table in your database. You might want to keep this transformation from entity to table in mind when selecting the names of your entities. For example, your entity names should be short but descriptive. 3. 1. 2. 2 Relationships A relationship between entities is drawn as a line bisected by a diamond. The diamond contains a verb (or short verb phrase) that describes the nature of the relationship between the entities, as shown in Figure 3. 4. Named relationships are used to make the Reds more readable.However, unlike entity names, relationship Ames never show up in the final database. Consequently, it does not really matter how you label your relationships, as long It can be argued that the term â€Å"method† is grammatically preferable. In Europe, for example, the term â€Å"method† tends to be favored. Introduction: The importance of conceptual Generally, Reds make certain assumptions about the reader's knowledge of the underlying business domain. FIGURE 3. 4: A relationship named â€Å"buys†. As the labels make the diagram easier to interp ret.To illustrate, consider the relationship between products and suppliers shown in Figure 3. 1 . The relationship is scribed by the verb phrase â€Å"supplied by'. Although one could have opted for the shorter relationship name â€Å"has† instead, the resulting diagram (e. G. , â€Å"Supplier has product†) would be more difficult for readers of the diagram to interpret. 3. 1. 2. 3 Relationship direction A notational convention supported by some CASE tools is to require two names for each relationship: one that makes sense in one direction (e. G. â€Å"is supplied by'), and another that makes sense in the opposite direction (e. G. , â€Å"supplies†). Although double-naming may make the diagram easier to read, it also adds clutter (twice as any labels) and imposes an additional burden on the modeled. Cardinality 3. 1 . 2. 4 One issue that sometimes troubles neophyte data meddlers is that the direction of the relationship is not made explicit on the diagram. Re turning to Figure 3. 1, it is obvious to me (since I drew the diagram) that the relationship should be read: â€Å"Product is supplied by supplier. Reading the relationship in the other direction (â€Å"Supplier is supplied by product†) makes very little sense to anyone who is familiar with the particular problem domain. As discussed in Section 3. 1. 1. 2, the cardinality of a relationship constrains the umber of instances of one entity type that can be associated with a single instance of the other entity type. The cardinality of relationships has an important impact on number and structure of the tables in the database. Consequently, it is important to get the cardinality right on paper before starting the implementation.An introduction to data modeling There are three fundamental types of cardinality in Reds: ; One-to-many -? You have already seen an example of a one-to-many relationship in Figure 3. 1 . You will soon discover that onto-many relationships are the bread an d butter of relational databases. One-to-one -? At this point in your data modeling career, you should avoid one-tone relationships. To illustrate the basic issue, consider the RED shown in Figure 3. 5. Based on an existing paper-based system, the modeled has assumed that each customer is associated with one â€Å"customer record† (I. . , a paper form containing information about the customer, such as address, fax number, and so on). Clearly, each customer has only one we automate the system and get rid of the paper form, then there is no reason not to combine the Customer and Customer Record entities into a single entity called Customer. Introduction: The importance of conceptual FIGURE 3. 5: An incorrect one-to-one relationship associated with Customer Record In many cases, one-to-one relationships indicate a modeling error. When you have a one-to-one relationship such as the one shown in Figure 3. , you should combine the two entities into a single entity. ; Many-to-many - ? The world is full of monotony-many relationships. A well-used example is â€Å"Student takes course. † Many-to-many relationships also arise when you consider the history of an entity. To illustrate, consider the RED shown in Figure 3. 6. At first glance, the relationship between Family and Single-Family Dwelling (SF) might seem to be one-to-one since a particular family can only live in one SF at a time and each SF can (by definition) only contain a single family. However, it is possible for a family to live in different houses over time.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Virginia Woolf’s Feminism

Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women In 1797. Her tract was based on the enlightenment that she used in many of her arguments. She believed that reason, rationality and virtue lead to a better society. She also believed that reason and education would improve the status of women, and that the improvement of women leads to the improvement of society.Some of the most important principles of feminism are relying on rationality, voicing your pinion, developing the right terminology and that gender definitions are based on social norms. Another feminist who influenced Woolf was John Stewart Mill who discussed another Important principle of feminism, understanding what â€Å"nature† Is. He argued that what goes by the name â€Å"unnatural† generally means â€Å"uncustomary. Feminism debates what society thinks Is unnatural. He believes that the subjection of women is a universal custom making feminism a universal issue.Mill also argues that women have al ways been subjected to men so one cannot claim that It Is it natural. He asserts that to decide what is natural is highly debatable. What Is now called the nature of women is an artificial result of forced repression and unnatural stimulation where women are treated as a commodity. Being influenced by other feminists and her own personal experiences, Virginia Woolf developed her own feminist tract A Room of One's Own in 1929. It has been called the â€Å"founding book of feminist literary criticism†.The book covered the following principles. The book opens with Woolf announcing her maln argument. women need to be free to have their own economical independence and have their own identity. Only when they have their own sanctuary of ones self, can they have artistic freedom which means being economically independent and not having to write Just in order to make money. Woolf Insists that poverty Is key and women were not allowed to own anything, Just as John Stewart Mill and Mary Wollstonecraft claimed that women were repressed.Women have been Impoverished and undereducated that is the reason they were few female writers, not because women were useless and did not know how to write. Women were made Inferior, Woolf continues by speaking about the British Library, hich was under patriarchal rule. Woolf could only go to specific places in the library and eat In certain places as well. That shows that men governed the society and they were considered to be the more superior and capable gender.The narrator then moved on to another point, stating that the superiority of men is constantly being reinforced In literature. The weakness of women was structured by men. Woolf insists that the weakness of women is not innate; it is because women were repressed into being the way they were. Men continuously reinforced the stereotype nternalizing that form of reception and values. Woolf then proposes a question: † If women are so Inferior then why are there so many I nteresting heroines in literature? showing us that the role of exceptional female characters was highlighted. However, 1 OF2 traditional roles were considered far less important than men's. Woolf believed that we should change the status of women's â€Å"work† which is domestic and not belittle the role of women, instead reconceptualize the role of women. Woolf also believed that if you confine women into a limited environment how do you expect them to write bout something else? Women are confined to the domestic sphere, which limits their writing abilities.Great art is produced by those who are free in mind and spirit. If women write knowing that they will be disapproved of or laughed at this will affect the quality of their work. Freedom and creativity go hand in hand. Woolf believes the first great writer is Jane Austen. She also believes that writing is not about gender, it is about something much deeper. Finally Woolf argues that the truly great minds are androgynous whi ch means belonging to neither sex. A writer should be neither asculine nor feminine but a combination of both.Virginia Woolf's themes in her feminist tract are equal opportunity for both sexes, which does not mean erasing differences, but to â€Å"invalidate the gender class system†. One must differentiate and realize that equal opportunity does not mean melting away the differences between male and female. Another theme that was covered was truth versus opinion. One must distinguish between theory and opinion from truth. The third and final theme is changing men's attitudes towards women, and more crucially women's attitudes towards themselves.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Discussion # 8 and # 9 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion # 8 and # 9 - Research Paper Example Obama care will cover all the populace, but by 2016 there will still be 30 million uninsured Americans, but they will be mostly those who cannot afford insurance or private medical treatment and fall in the gaps (Gregory, 2013). A Harvard study established that at this rate a huge number between 26,000 to 37,000 Americans will die because of not receiving medical coverage (Gregory, 2013). The major stake holders are the Policy Makers, Health Care providers, pharmaceutical companies, American Nurses Association and the patients who will be subjected to the policy (Bright, 2013; beforeitsnews, 2013; Front, 2009; PBS, 2009). It has been argued that setting criteria for people to be eligible for insurance in not ethical and also the cost of the insurance can be a heavy burden with lesser provision; especially when the burden of the policy is falling in major on the tax payers (Vecchione, 2012). Rather than focusing on health assurance and disease prevention, the Affordable care act focuses on disease treatment. Although America invests $70 billion into health care every year, the annual life span of an individual is 60 to 70 years (Coburn, 2013). A proposal must be written to propagate healthy life style and living; should be forwarded in the city council meeting and discussed there (Anderson and Mcfarlane, 2011. pp. 123-125). The concerned health care givers and stake holders of the community should be involved in the process. Vaccination and annual complete checkup should be an integral part of the disease prevention policy. After the disease prevention policy has been formulated adoption by community health centres and agencies. Educational and awareness programs should be arranged for people and even concerned authorities. The agencies should ensure adoption by hospitals, care givers, care providing facilities and homes. Charts should be maintained and individuals informed of their upcoming checkups. Monitory penalty in form of health neglect should be

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Negotiation Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Negotiation Process - Essay Example According to the report the marked price on most items not always its fixed price. Therefore, he was ready to negotiate with the seller so that they could reduce the price. Moreover, the author knew that there would be a certain price that the seller would not go below if the item has to remain profitable. He also understood that for the negotiation process to be successful he had to be flexible, and he had to communicate effectively so that at the end the price agreed would be a win-win situation.From this discussion it is clear that  upon entering the shop, the author was welcomed by the young white lady. She looked jovial, and she directed him to the counter selling PlayStation. The person in charge was a Chinese old man who looked very serious. He had a Chinese accent and struggled to speak English fluently. However, he was willing to explain the functionality of the PlayStation and the available different types. Due to his poor English, he did not understand all that he said. The author immediately asked for the price. He stated the price and they began negotiation. Due to his serious nature, he was not really interested in negotiating. His attitude put me off, and the author called the young white lady. She explained to me again, and he even realized that the PlayStation they were negotiating on was not exactly what he wanted. She showed him another machine, and they began discussing the price. She was very flexible and convincing. She maintained her positive attitude.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

ETH501, Business Ethics, Mod 3 Case Assignment Essay

ETH501, Business Ethics, Mod 3 Case Assignment - Essay Example This means that workers will not be treated according to their skills or their performance but on the basis of the genes that they are bestowed with. This kind of practice is unethical as it does not treat workers according to the merit but on the basis of the factors over which the workers have no control. It may ultimately lead unrest among the work place and workplace violence may increase as a result of genetic testing. By knowing their genetic capabilities, people will pair them with those who have similar genetic system and will feel angered and aggravated towards people who have different set of genes. This is again unethical because people will be hired, fired and promoted on the basis of their genes and not on the basis of their performance or merit. If we look at it in a broader perspective, we can conclude that since people will be hired on the basis of their genes and not on the basis of their aptitude, their work is less likely to be as efficient as those selected on mer it. Now, we can link it with the ethics of efficient resource usage and can easily conclude that due to incompetent people being hired due to discrimination on the basis of genes, the output of the firm using the specified amount of resources will be less than if people would have been hired on the basis of their competencies and merit. As a result, the firm will make a lesser profit than they should make, the world will get a lesser output than what it should have and in general the whole will suffer as a result of discriminatory practices. This discrimination can also be linked to another very important ethical framework of deontology to conclude that workplace discrimination is bad in all cases. Deontology principle states that regardless of the outcomes, the wrong thing is always wrong. This means that if we commit wrong deed but the reward of these deeds is positive, even in such cases, the wrong actions should not be undertake. Suppose, that you

Monday, August 26, 2019

Differentiated Instruction In the Classroom Research Paper

Differentiated Instruction In the Classroom - Research Paper Example At the California Montessori Project Charter School teachers use differentiated teaching methods that are based on Maria Montessori’s philosophy of following the child. In other schools in Sacramento the teachers that will be interviewed will share their techniques for small group work. There are also academic programs, such as â€Å"Handwriting without Tears,† that provide differentiation written into the curriculum. Each of these curricula is creating a new pathway for teaching, specifically because of the positive results which are currently being achieved. To continue with this approach, are also several trying to refine and work forward with the learning approaches that are used. Purpose of this Study The purpose of this study is to define the approaches to differentiation as well as whether this will benefit students that are learning with specific approaches. When examining the differentiation in the classroom, there will be the focus on showing the accomplishmen ts, progression and potential problems associated with this approach. Defining this will benefit students, teachers and educators, specifically because there will be more knowledge and background on differentiation. This will be combined with the understanding that education can begin to progress and change for classrooms which are inclusive of alternative styles for teaching. The research will provide information from Gardner, Vygotsky and Montessori as some of the researchers working with differentiated instruction. The research conducted to support this paper will help teachers with new skills and knowledge to best support their students in the classroom. It will also work to identify more of the... The significance of the study is to prepare teachers to expand their horizons when it comes to instructional strategies that are evidence-based and a proven product. It is expected that through this study, there will be the capability of creating new approaches to teaching and learning. Understanding the benefits and the gaps of differential instruction can help to refine the new methodology of teaching while assisting those within the classroom to approach students in a different manner. If this methodology can begin to evolve and become a standard within the classroom, there will be the capability of creating new opportunities for growth in the educational system. This report makes a conclusion that the concepts which were used in the qualitative study, as well as the quantitative research show that there is a demand to change the overall instruction in the classroom. The theoretical approaches show that there are diverse needs, both with the socio – cultural basis and with the cognitive learning capabilities which the children carry. This is combined with the needed changes associated with diverse settings which are now incorporating special education with gifted students, specifically because of the recognition that each student doesn’t have slower or faster learning abilities, but instead has different ways of learning. The theoretical concepts show that there are many associations with benefits and needs for differential instruction. While there is a strong need for the instruction, there are also questions over how to intertwine the theories with practical methodologies. The Montessori Method is one which has found explorati on as a main approach to the classroom.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

ACCT310 U5 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ACCT310 U5 IP - Research Paper Example Therefore, the ski lift will be more profitable in an after tax situation and will add more to the company’s wealth. However, there are several subjective factors that can affect the investment decision. The company can only assume additional number of ski tickets after the installation of the new lifts. Nonetheless, this value can vary to a great extent. A troubled weather for a few days will cost the lodge hundreds of visitors every day. Similarly, the new lifts are not a surety for attracting hundred of more visitors to the resort. The company must have other plans to attract the customers to the lodge, and then convince them to use the ski lifts and other accessories. Therefore, the new ski lift is, in itself, a profitable investment based on the net present values; nonetheless, there are many others subjective factors that need to be looked upon before making a final investment

The Neanderthals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Neanderthals - Essay Example The Neanderthals inhabited Europe and parts of western Asia from about 230,000 to 29,000 years ago (the Middle Palaeolithic and Lower Paleolithic, in the Pleistocene epoch) (Neanderthals 2005). Neanderthals were adapted to cold, as shown by their larger brains, short but robust builds and large nose. These features are also observed in modern day sub-arctic populations (Neandethals 2005). For many years, there was a vigorous professional debate about whether Neanderthals should be classified as Homo neanderthalensis or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. The latter places Neanderthals as a subspecies of Homo sapiens; however, recent evidence from mitochondrial DNA studies indicates that Neanderthals were not a subspecies of Homo sapiens (Neanderthals 2005). On average, Neanderthals stood about 1.65m tall (just under 5' 6") and were very muscular, comparable to modern weight-lifters (Neanderthals 2005). Their relatively robust stature is thought to be an adaptation to the cold climate of Europe during the Pleistocene epoch (Neanderthals 2005). Nothing is known about their skin color, the hair, or the shape of soft parts such as eyes, ears, and lips. However, the physical traits that distinguish Neanderthals from modern humans can not be used to distinguish specific Neanderthal populations, from various geographic areas or periods of evolution, from other extinct humans. Also, many of these traits occasionally manifest in modern humans, particularly among certain ethnic groups (Neanderthals 2005). LANGUAGE The Neanderthals don't have complex language as modern humans. In1983, a Neanderthal hyoid bone was found at the Kebara Cave in Israel. The hyoid is a small bone that holds the root of the tongue in place, a requirement to human speech and, therefore, its presence seems to imply some ability to speak. Many people believe that even without the hyoid bone evidence, it is obvious that tools as advanced as those of the Mousterian Era, attributed to Neanderthals, could not have been developed without cognitive skills encompassing some form of spoken language (Neanderthals 2005). The base of the Neanderthal tongue was positioned higher in the throat, crowding the mouth somewhat. As a result, Neanderthal speech would most likely have been slow-paced and nasalized.(Neanderthals 2005). HUNTING AND TOOLS The Neanderthals' stone tools is called the Mousterian Culture, after a prominent archaeological site where the tools were first found. Their tool case consisted of sophisticated stone-flakes, task-specific hand axes, and spears. Many of these tools were very sharp (Neanderthals 2005). There is little evidence that Neanderthals used antlers, shell, or other bone materials to make tools. However, there is good evidence that they routinely constructed a variety of stone implements. The archaeological record suggests that Neanderthals lived around the edges of forests where they hunted large animals like red deer, horse and wild cattle. The forests gave them firewood, and materials to construct shelters and spears. (Neandertal 2005) INTELLIGENCETheir brains were roughly 20% larger than the average size of modern human's brain and the structure were identical but arranged in a different manner. Their

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Nike Research Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nike Research Plan - Essay Example However, the USA population that purchases apparels at Target stores might be too big to be recruited to the research study. Therefore, a sample population that is largely representative of the entire USA population purchasing apparels at Targets will be adopted. Nike suffered a great deal in sales and popularity decline, after the Tiger Woods personal scandal that saw the whole of the golf industry lose in sales and profits. There is no doubt therefore, that a need to improve both the image and financial performance of Nikes golf apparel exist. Thus, the research project has defined the research question as; â€Å"Could Nike’s diminished popularity within the golf community increase by introducing an exclusive line of low-cost apparel to be sold at Targets all over the United States?† The sampling method to be applied in this research study is the cluster sampling technique. Cluster sampling technique is the most appropriate for this research study. This is because; the study seeks to establish the population of customers who purchase apparels at Target stores in the USA, Thus making the group of customers at each Target store an already clustered population. The choice of cluster sampling as the method sampling technique is informed by the fact that the entire population that purchases apparels at Targets is unknown, while its characteristics of are also unclear. Further, the suitability of cluster sampling technique for this study is also informed by the fact that the sample clusters targeted by this study are geographically convenient (Ahmed, 2009). This research study targets to collect data from the population that purchases apparels at Targets, which then means that such clusters are conveniently clustered at the different geographical Target store location s.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Paper Converters ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Paper Converters ltd - Essay Example ..8 4. Impact of culture on organization†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..9 5. Multi-Cultural deference†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...10 5.1 Individualism (IDV)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 5.2 Power distance (PDI)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.10 5.3 Masculinity / Femininity (MAS)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.11 5.4 Uncertainty avoidance (UAI)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.12 6. Management deference†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......12 6.1 Achievement vs. Ascription†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 6.2 Individualism vs. Communitarianism†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 6.3 Internal vs. External†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦14 6.4 Neutral vs. Emotional†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..14 6.5 Specific vs. Diffuse†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦14 6.6 Time Orientation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15 6.7 Universalism vs. Particularism†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦15 7. ... Although, the two founder executives of the corporations are childhood acquaintances ethnicity, they have dissimilar vision and views.The culture of both corporations are strongly swayed by their founding executives. Employees of both companies greatly believe in their originators’ vision that slowly developed into their own enterprise culture that resulted into an organizational ethnicity clash amid Dyson Paper and Jones Sales Agent Limited, when they relocated to Paper Converter Limited. The aim of this report is to evaluate the case of Paper Converter in respect to organization and international (UK). The report will give a breakdown of the Paper Converter cultural drawback via ‘Cultural Web’ investigative tool for organizational cultures, also;Hofstede four dimensions, Pestel and Fons Trompenaar cultural structure forglobal cultures (UK) to reveal where Paper Converter is falling short in addition toways of overcoming this organisational problem. 1. Background of the Company Paper Converter Ltd was established in 1988 after an merger amid the Dyson Paper and Jones Sales Agent Ltd. Dyson Paper was established in 1983, in Corby, United Kingdom with the inducement from the government of Britain during the depression phase early on in 1980s. Mainly, Dyson Paper takes care of the management and production, whereas Jones Sales Agent Limited assumed the responsibility of marketing and sales, from two unconnected premises positioned 60miles apart. 1.1 Market Situation Paper Converter’s central market was United Kingdom, Middle East and West Africa. To enhance production capacity as well as reduce production cost, the firm went worldwide through setting up a factory in Zambia

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Death is Definitely Not Justified With Physician-Assisted Suicide Essay Example for Free

Death is Definitely Not Justified With Physician-Assisted Suicide Essay Doctors dedicate their blood, sweat and tears to achieve the ultimate goal of their profession – to preserve the health and well-being of their patients. Doctors positively intervene with life processes in order to maintain and preserve the lives of many people. However, when doctors negatively intervene with a natural process like death, problems can arise because they are caught in a dilemma of whether to forego life and help end the suffering or to preserve it and torment the patients suffering with terminal illnesses. This is why, physician-assisted suicide is not just perceived solely as a medical problem because it also involves legal, ethical, social, personal, and financial considerations. Physician-assisted suicide remained as one of the most controversial types of euthanasia because it violates the Hippocratic Oath. Physician-assisted suicide literally means that the physician provides the medication for suicide to a competent patient who is capable of carrying it out. It is not just morally reprehensible for a physician, or any medical practitioner, to assist the patient to conduct this procedure because it negates their responsibility to preserve life, physician-assisted suicide also devalues the life of the patient as their fate is put entirely in the hands of a human being. Indeed, there exists an unprecedented debate over physician-assisted suicide (also called euthanasia) because involves medical professionals, as well as the patients and their families. The arguments range from determining the dignity of the patients, the quality of their lives, their mental state, and sometimes their usefulness to society. For example, the patient who is in a vegetative state is considered dead by some but not by others, and this case presents substantial moral and ethical problems. The Oxford Dictionary of English (2005) defines euthanasia as â€Å"the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma†. However, euthanasia means much more than a â€Å"painless death†, or the means of procuring it, or the action of inducing it. The definition specifies only the manner of death, and if this were all that was needed to achieve it a murderer, who is careful to drug his victim to death, could claim that he or she did an act of euthanasia. We find this ridiculous because we take it for granted that euthanasia is â€Å"death† itself, not just the manner of death. How can someone administer a â€Å"medical procedure† to the one who dies in the end? The spate of recent public and philosophical controversy has been over voluntary active euthanasia (VAE), especially physician-assisted suicide. Supporters of VAE argue that there are cases in which relief from suffering supersedes all other consequences and that respect for autonomy obligates society to respect the decisions of those who elect euthanasia. If competent patients have a legal and moral right to refuse treatment that brings about their deaths, there is a similar right to enlist the assistance of physicians or others to help patients cause their deaths by an active means. Usually, supporters of VAE primarily look to circumstances in which (1) a condition has become overwhelmingly burdensome for a patient, (2) pain management for the patient is inadequate, and (3) only a physician seems capable of bringing relief (Dworkin, Frey Bok, 1998). A much publicized case of physician-assisted suicide came into the headlines when it shocked people with the bizarre activities of Dr. Jack Kevorkian in early 1990s (or â€Å"Dr Death† as the media have dubbed him) in the USA. Dr. Kevorkian, a retired pathologist, assisted over forty people to commit suicide in recent years in circumstances, which were somewhat beyond normal from regular medical practice. These people travelled to Kevorkian from all over the USA to seek his assistance in suicide. Kevorkian assisted their death by ending their suffering. He even attached his patients at the back of a dilapidated Volkswagen van, where a â€Å"suicide machine† can be found. This machine automatically injects patients with lethal doses of drugs, as patients themselves activate it. Despite being prosecuted for assisted suicide on several occasions, Kevorkian escaped conviction and continued his personal campaign for relaxation of the law in his peculiar way. It was only when he moved from assistance in suicide to euthanasia that he was finally convicted. He filmed himself administering a lethal injection, and the film helped secure his conviction for murder (Keown 2002, p. 31). Of course, his actions provoked discussion of the thin line separating passive euthanasia, which is legal in this country, and active euthanasia. Opponents of Kevorkian’s actions state that he is practicing physician-assisted suicide, which is illegal. Proponents of Kevorkian’s actions argue that the patient’s right to control his or her medical treatment is sufficient justification for assisted suicide. Unfortunately, most Americans seem to agree with physician-assisted suicide. A nationwide survey by the Gallup poll in 2004 showed that 69% of Americans believed that physicians should be allowed to help terminally ill patients in severe pain commit suicide. These results were consistent with those of Gallup polls over the past two years, where â€Å"Americans have shown slightly higher levels of support for doctors ending patients’ lives by painless means than for assisting patients to commit suicide† (Lyons, 2004). Allen et al. (2006) suggest about the reasons for these statistics. They said that â€Å"one explanation could be the increase in education and awareness of advances in both medical technology and research on various chronic diseases†. As more Americans are becoming more aware of the devastating psychological effects of disease on a person’s well being; â€Å"they may be more willing to make informed decisions on end-of-life care†. Armed with knowledge of how painful and grueling pains that patients suffer, Americans think that sometimes the best option for a terminally ill patient is physician-assisted suicide or some other form of euthanasia. Strangely enough, a group of doctors also support physician-assisted suicide. Known as the Hemlock Society, these doctors advocate the legalization of euthanasia (Snyder, 2001). This organization believes that the final decision to terminate life ultimately is one’s own, although it does not encourage suicide for emotional, traumatic, or financial reasons, or in the absence of terminal illness. Conversely, the National Hospice Organization supports a patient’s right to choose, but believes that hospice care is a better choice than euthanasia or assisted suicide (Snyder, 2001). Despite the salient points made by the supporters of physician-assisted suicide, we should not forget that this process essentially negates the purpose of a doctor’s profession. The Hippocratic Oath, which dates back in the 400 B. C. E. states that â€Å"I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, nor suggest any such counsel†. Not only that it is in clear opposition to the oath of their profession, it is also morally and ethically reprehensible. According to Somerville (2006), there are two major reasons why people should not allow euthanasia to be legalized. First reason is purely relying on principle that it is not right for one human to intentionally kill another (with the exception of justified self-defense cases, or in the defense of others). Somerville (2006) stated that the second reason is utilitarian, as legalizing physician-assisted death has harmful effects and risks to people and society. In fact, the harms and risks far outweigh any benefits of physician-assisted suicide. While Mak, Elwyn Finlay (2006) reasoned that â€Å"most studies of euthanasia have been quantitative, focusing primarily on attitudes of healthcare professionals, relatives, and the public†. Most people perceive pain as the major reason for requesting euthanasia, while other factors that convince people to choose it are impairment of functions, dependency, being a big burden, being isolated to people, depression, losing hope, and losing autonomy or control. This is why, Mak, Elwyn Finlay (2006) thought that legalizing euthanasia is a â€Å"premature† move when research evidence from the perspectives of those who desire euthanasia is not yet proven to be necessary. The researchers suggested that there needs to be additional qualitative patient-based studies in order to broaden the physician’s understanding of patients. They deemed that there should be the â€Å"inclusion of medical humanities, experiential learning, and reflective practice into medical education should help ensure doctors have better communication skills and attitudes†. Thus, doctors and healthcare professionals should focus in examining ways to improve cure and care at all levels so that they can trash out the â€Å"side effects of poor end of life care†. In this way, physician-assisted suicide would not be necessity anymore. In 1997, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution does not guarantee Americans a right to physician-assisted suicide and returned the issue to the state legislatures for continued debate. In its decision, the Court placed emphasis on the American tradition of condemning suicide and valuing human life. In its ruling, the Court made it clear that the states have a legitimate interest in banning physician-assisted suicide, but it also left it open to them to legalize the practice. As a result, the practice has been legalized in Oregon. Although the law is rather unequivocal in regard to the practice of active euthanasia, the court decisions have been quite ambiguous. This may be a proper stance for the law in that its adamant negative position provides a deterrent to all considerations of the practice and forces deliberation of the merits on a case-by-case basis. But under what circumstances is euthanasia justifiable? Is it permissible to kill the terminally ill? How about those who are not terminally ill but have only lost their appetite for life? Even if society decides that citizens have a right not only to life, liberty, and property but also to death, what part do health care practitioners play in this right? Would the role of physician who conducts euthanasia have a chilling effect on the medical profession? What law cannot answer, ethics and morality could provide the answers of what needs to be done by health professionals when faced with a difficult dilemma, such as physician-assisted suicide. As medical practitioners, medical code of ethics should not just become theoretical concepts, because ethics are important references in the application of one’s moral and value system to a career in health care. Ethics involves more than just â€Å"common sense†, which is an approach for making decisions that most people in society use. Ethics goes way beyond this: It requires a critical thinking approach that examines important considerations such as fairness for all consumers, the impact of the decision on society, and the future implications of the decision. In the end, as doctors, the central issue remains caring for the dignity of the patient, which involves respecting the patient’s wishes, protecting the integrity of the profession, and sparing the life of a person under all conditions which are generally understood to be extremely burdensome. Thus, all forms of physician-assisted suicide are ethically and morally reprehensible because it promotes intentional killing. This principle does not require the preservation of life at all costs, which is essentially the role of all physicians.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Should Plastic Bags be Banned?

Should Plastic Bags be Banned? Plastic shopping bags are very cheap, useful and convenient:  Should they be banned? Introduction Universally, individuals and groups continue to advocate for the banning of plastic shopping bags, proposing that they be replaced with reusable biodegradable bags. Due to their synthetic nature, plastics are considered pollutants by critics. However, they are also very cheap, useful and convenient and a complete ban will have a significant negative economic impact for retailers, states and consumers. Both critics and advocates for the ban of plastic shopping bags have been outspoken, with each side presenting objective arguments to support their cause. By analysing the advantages and disadvantages of plastic shopping bags, the report attempts to examine the prospective economic, environmental and even social impacts that a ban on plastic could have in society. A realistic assessment based on objective studies will be critical in presenting an accurate evaluation of the plastic ban and will be helpful to all stakeholders involved. Background Ever since the emergence of plastics in the 1940s, they have grown to become extremely popular for consumers and industrial entities. Even in the 21st Century, the volume of plastic being manufactured annually continues to rise with the total production volume in the first decade of the century equalling the entire 20th Century’s production. An estimated 260 million tons of plastics are currently being produced annually for different purposes worldwide (Clapp and Swanston, 2009). Plastic shopping bags, defined as recyclable high-density polyethylene bags, are designed to be used only once. The increase in retail shopping and the emergence of retail venues in the 1970s led to the exponential increase in the popularity of plastic bags. Research by Clapp and Swanston (2009) indicate that plastic bags are the most popular grocery bag of choice for consumers worldwide. Estimates indicate that between 600 billion and 1.5 trillion plastic bags are used yearly around the world (Luis and Spinola, 2010). Plastics shopping bags are manufactured when fossil fuels are converted into polymers. Plastics are considered exceptionally durable and strong, an aspect that is counterproductive since it accounts for its negative properties. It is estimated that it takes between 400 and 1,000 years for a thin plastic to be broken down, hence they are considered a threat to the environment (Thompson, Moore, ComSaal, and Swan, 2009). Existing literature indicates that most citizens favour recycling rather than a complete ban of plastics. Surveys indicate that the majority of shoppers reuse plastic bags at least once (Ellis, Kantner, Saab and Watson, 2005). Current Situation The calls for a complete ban arise from the primary concerns associated with plastic shopping bags. The first concern is that plastics create a waste stream that is extremely difficult to eliminate or manage. Research carried out by the California Integrated Waste Management Board revealed that plastics of all kinds comprise an estimated 10% of the state’s disposable waste stream. A further estimated 0.3% and 0.13% of the total waste stream were plastic bags and plastic shopping bags respectively (Delaney Madigan, 2014). Plastic bags are also known to litter with different studies revealing that, of all the total litter collected in the world, between 1 and 5 percent are from plastic bags. In the US alone, consumers use a whopping 100 billion plastic bags annually, with a large proportion of this eventually becoming litter (Delaney Madigan, 2014). Another critical cause for apprehension is that plastic bags take a very long time to disintegrate. Research show that plastic bags can last for as long as 1,000 years, with the vast majority of this life cycle being within the end of life phase either as litter or in a landfill (Freinkel, 2011). The extensive lifespan results from its immunity to biodegradation, hence they can only photo degrade over very long time periods releasing toxic additives in the process which also pollute the ecosystem. A plastic bag’s lifecycle has also been noted for being greenhouse gas intensive since fossil fuels are the primary compounds used during their production. There have also been concerns about the effect of plastic bags on marine pollution. An assessment carried out by the United Sates Environmental Program (UNEP) revealed that an estimated 80% of all marine debris come from a land source of which 60%-80% are plastics (Delaney Madigan, 2014). Plastic marine debris exists in almost al l the regions of the world, hence it has created global pollution problems. Plastic directly affects more than 660 species of animals including fish, birds, turtles and a group of marine mammals (Bean, 2013). When the animals confuse the bags for food, their digestive tracks become blocked, a development which may eventually cause death. According to San Francisco marine officials, a study in which 370 autopsies were carried out found one in every three dead leatherback turtles to have some form of plastics in their stomachs (Bean, 2013). Call for Bans The documented undesirable effects of the plastic bags have led a number of individuals and groups to lobby for a worldwide ban on them. Studies show that even though the majority believed that consumer education would improve the situation, they have not achieved a significant reduction in single use bag consumption. According to Ellis, Kantner, Saab and Watson (2005), education campaigns have only led to a 5% decrease in voluntary plastic bag usage. As a result, certain nations have created mandatory ordinances to limit the use of plastic bags. In the United States for example, 17 states have ordinances that place bans and limitations on the use and distribution of plastic bags. Essentially, bans can be designed in various means although it will depend on how it reduces plastic bag use, limiting the overall environmental damage, the overall economic impact on consumers, manufacturers and retailers and the legislation’s ability to reduce plastic bag use (The Economist, 2007). A number of variables that may be considered when imposing a ban include the types of bags to be banned, whether or not to include a fee, promoting the use of alternative paper, attaching an amount to the specific type of bags, or specifying the type of bags to be used. Other variables should include the types and sizes of retail venues that the ban can affect, ordinance exemption and incentives that will enforce the ordinance such as fees or fines that accompany non-compliance (Clapp and Swanston, 2009). Potential Impacts of Plastic Bag Ban Economists and environmentalists have identified a number of potential economic impacts on the ban of plastics. A ban has the capacity of reducing the volume of plastic bags used in retail outlets. However, this will vary and can only be determined by customer feedback, retail venue feedback, analyses of baggage records, analysis of the disposition of waste stream and observational studies. A ban of plastic bags may be successful especially if retailers are subjected to charge customers for plastic bags as a measure for overall reduction. Using the case of Ireland which has achieved a 90% reduction in the use of plastic paper bags, it was evident that the initiation of a national fee served that purpose well (Sugii, 2008). A considerable environmental impact will also result from the ban of plastic paper bags if customers are subjected to pay for the use of the bags. The imposition of a complete ban or a fee for the usage will significantly reduce the environmental impact of plastic paper bag use. A complete ban on plastic paper bag may, however, be difficult to impose although it is estimated that this would result in between a 93% and 96% reduction in the reported environmental impacts. The goal should, therefore, be a step-by-step transition from the use of plastic bags to reusable bags so as to limit the eventual economic impact of plastics (Hasson, Leiman, and Visser, 2007). Economic Impact on Retailers A complete ban of plastic shopping bags or even a transition to other reusable bag types will have multiple economic effects. The effects will not only be on plastic manufacturers, but consumers, retailers and even entire cities and states will be affected. Retailers will be some of the worst affected entities with a ban on plastic shopping bags since in nearly all countries of the world, they offer them to customers at no charge. Although retailers purchase the bags at minimal costs, they are cost effective and can be charged on the retailer’s expense account. Retailers will still need to package goods for their customers in some way and the cost associated with alternative bags will be significantly greater for retailers. Retailers may also opt to sell the alternative paper bags to customers, a development which may be sustainable in the long run. Although in the short run retailers may suffer a loss due to the increase in the usage of paper bags, the loss can be mitigated if consumers start paying for their own reusable bags. Retailers may lose business if customers take their business elsewhere, especially when the ban is selective (Ellis, Kantner, Saab and Watsonm 2005). It is further documented that research from areas in which plastic bags were banned demonstrated a considerable decrease in sales. This is, however, disputable since the methodology used and the sample size of the study was relatively minimal and restricted within the boundaries of the Los Angeles County. Economic Impact to Consumers and Plastic Manufacturers A ban on plastic shopping bags would have a significant impact on consumers, since at present the bags are given free to consumers. However, a study by the United Nations Environmental Program revealed that plastic shopping bags are not actually free, but cost every household between $10 and $15 annually (Hasson, Leiman, and Visser, 2007). In order to estimate the potential economic impact that a ban on plastics could have on consumers, it is imperative to consider the price for the alternative reusable and paper bags. Although reusable bags are relatively costly, customers may actually save costs eventually since reusable bags are more durable and are designed to last for many years. Customers can even replace reusable stock a number of times further saving cost instead of paying recurring fees for paper bags (Hasson, Leiman, and Visser, 2007). Bans on plastic paper bags will also have a significant impact on plastic manufacturers since a significant proportion of their business is based on the domestic segment. A number of plastic manufacturers have aggressively opposed any proposed bans or measures to restrict the use of plastic bags. Although most of the manufacturers produce a wide variety of products, it is evident that any bans on plastic shopping bags will significantly hinder the companies’ revenue streams. Clapp and Swanston (2009) however argue that plastic bag manufacturing companies can mitigate the loss in business by switching to other product lines, such as the manufacture of reusable bags. Ellis, Kantner, Saab and Watsonm (2005) argue that it is not the shopping bag plastic manufactures that will lose, but the actual loss will be incurred by the larger plastic producers. Analysis and Conclusion Multiple arguments to support an opposition of the ban of plastics have been presented by opponents. According to Freinkel (2011), there is no need to ban plastics since the proportion of litter resulting from plastic shopping bag is too small to justify a total ban. He further argues that the ecological litter impact of plastic shopping bags, when quantified, is quite insignificant. A ban of the use of plastic paper bags could also cause significant job loses within the plastics manufacturing industry. Nonetheless, it has been argued that the job loses can be compensated when a number of businesses emerge to fill the need for reusable bags. Based on the analysis, the best option is to create measures with the objective of reducing the use of plastic shopping bags rather than implementing a complete ban. Even though there exists substantial literature documenting the environmental impact of banning plastic shopping bag, assessing the economic impact remains challenging. It is evident that a complete ban of the use of plastic shopping bags would affect a number of players within the plastic industry. Both retailers and consumers may be negatively affected in the short term as a result of an increase in baggage costs, but it is projected to decrease whenever a transition to reusable bags is effected. The plastic industry will, however, suffer even though plastic manufacturers can begin producing reusable bags. Bibliography AECOM Technical Services. (2010). Economic Impact Analysis: Proposed Ban on Plastic Carryout Bags in Los Angeles County. Los Angeles: AECOM. Bean,L. (2013). Silent Killers: TheDanger of Plastic Bags to Marine Life.  EcoWatch. Clapp, J. and Swanston, L. (2009). â€Å"Doing Away with Plastic Shopping Bags:  International Patterns of Norm Emergence and Policy†, Environmental Politics, 18:3, 315-332 Delaney, T., Madigan, T. (2014). Beyond sustainability: A thriving environment.  McFarland Company, Inc. Ellis, S., Kantner, S., Saab, A. and Watson, M. (2005). Plastic grocery bags: The Ecological  Footprint. Michigan Technological University. Freinkel, S. (2011). Plastic: A toxic love story. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Hasson, R., Leiman, A. and Visser, M. (2007). The Economics of Plastic Bag Legislation In  South Africa. South African Journal of Economics, 75(1): 66-83. Luis, I. P. and Spinola, H. (2010). The influence of a voluntary fee in the consumption of  Plastic bags on supermarkets from Madeira Island (Portugal). Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53(7): 1-15. Sugii, T. (2008). Plastic Bag Reduction: Policies to Reduce Environmental Impact. Tufts  University The Economist. (2007). The War on Shopping Bags: Plastics of Evil. The Economist, March  29th, 2007. Thompson, R.C., Moore, C. J., ComSaal, F.S., and Swan, S. H. (2009). Plastics,theenvironment and human health†, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, Biological Sciences, 364 (1526).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Combining Anomaly Based Ids And Signature Based Information Technology Essay

Combining Anomaly Based Ids And Signature Based Information Technology Essay Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are defined as tools or devices which are used to monitor a system or a machine or a group of users. They try to detect attacks before they take place or after attacks have occurred. IDS collect information from various points in the network to determine of the network is still secure. IDS can be divided into mainly two types: Network Based Host Based. As the name suggest the respective IDS is used for either a Network or an Individual Host. They both have their advantages and dis-advantages and hence are sometimes combined together to provide extra security (Innella, 2001). Working of an IDS An IDS basically can work in two ways:- 1. Anomaly Based 2. Signature Based Anomaly Based IDS (A-IDS) A-IDS can be defined as a system which monitor the activities in a system or network and raise alarms if anything anomalous i.e. other than normal behavior is detected. In any organization profiles are created for all users, wherein each user is given some rights to access some data or hardware. These rules and rights are fed to the A-IDS. If a user is using the computer in a time other than the one allotted to him, the A-IDS raises an alert (Carter, 2002). Carter (2002) GarcÄ ±Ã‚ ´a-Teodoro (2009) have also listed some advantages and dis-advantages of A-IDS. The Advantages are as below:- 1. Inside the network attacks are easily detected by A-IDS. 2. Any user actually abusing his privileges and accessing any other information is easily caught by A-IDS. 3. Zero day attacks can be detected by A-IDS. The Dis-Advantages are:- 1. Appropriate Training is required before it is set up in any environment. 2. It is very difficult to train the IDS in a Normal environment as a Normal Environment is very hard to get. 3. It generates false positives. 4. If the suspicious activity is similar to the normal activity it will not be detected. Signature Based IDS (S-IDS): This type of IDS is also referred as Misuse Detection IDS. It works on the basis of signatures. Each time an attacker attacks a system, he/she tends to leave some footprints of that attack. Footprints can be failed attack logs, failed logins, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ These are stored as signatures for IDS. It uses a knowledge base, which is a database which stores the previous details of attacks. Whenever it encounters something it matches it with the records in the knowledge base and if a signature matches it raises an alarm (Baumrucker, 2003). Carter(2002) has listed some advantages and dis-advantages to these signature based IDS. Advantages. 1. It can exactly determine the type of attack. 2. It does not produce false positives. 3. It provides an interface which is also easy for a normal user to monitor. Dis-Advantages:- 1. We need to update the knowledge with each and every possible type of attack signature. 2. It is necessary to update the database daily. 3. It cannot detect Zero Day Attacks. 4. An Attack in a database, if they are slightly modified then it is difficult to detect. Hybrid IDS. Goeldenitz (2002) in his paper has written Hybrid IDS seems to be a logical approach for IDS as one IDS can cover the dis-advantages of another type of IDS. It would be achieved by using various IDS together and then can be placed at various points in the networks like gateways, server links, and various junctions. He also explains that this Hybrid IDS is basically installed on a host like a HIDS, but acts like a NIDS. Depran et al (2005) have proposed a Hybrid IDS, which is using KDD 99 dataset. KDD 99 Dataset is a database which is used by researchers for IDS. The model proposed by them for the IDS is below:- This model shows it is integrated with both The Anomaly Detection Module and the Signature (Misuse) Detection Module. It also includes a Decision Support System which will receive input from both the Detection Module and then will decide what to do next. Working Rule: The Rule states if an Attack is detected by any one or both the Detection Systems, then it is termed as an attack. It is termed as Classified Attack if either Signature Based IDS or both have detected the Attack. It is termed as Unclassified Attack if only Anomaly Based IDS has detected the attack. Snort is a IDS which works on Signature Detection. It works on rules, which in turn are based on the signatures usually written by Intruders. (Rehman, 2003). (Aydin et al, 2009) have explained the pre-processor architecture of Snort and the way they have modified snort to reduce the number of false positives. They have used statistical methods such as PHAD NETAD for implementing their anomaly based IDS. The main reasons for choosing PHAD is that rather than modelling behaviour, it models protocols. Also it uses a time-based model for the rapid changes in the network. If a series of same anomaly occur then PHAD flags off only the first anomaly, thus reducing the number of false positives. They have basically combined PHAD NETAD with the pre-processor of Snort. A Pre-processor is an engine which has the ability to read inside the packets and alert based on the content. A Pre-processor can also modify the content of a packet. This was achieved by Aydin et al (2009) by copying just two files spp_phad.c spp_netad.cpp to the folder where snort.c lies, some code written and then the project was compiled to obtain a modified Snort as a Hybrid IDS. This snort was tried in various environments and Fig 3. is one of the graph showing the number of attacks detected by Snort + PHAD + NETAD on a daily basis. DARPA data sets were used to test this Hybrid Snort. It is also clear from the graph that the number of attacks detected by snort alone is way lower than the number of attacks detected by the Hybrid Snort. Hence (Aydin et al) also conclude that combining PHAD NETAD which are Anomaly Based IDS and Siganture Based IDS has more positive results and has contributed successfully. Future Work Depren et al (2005) have proposed that different ways can be proposed to implement Anomalous Based IDS and Signature Based IDS. They have also proposed that for AIDS, it would be better to classify the attack based on the network services and then write better rules for analyzing them with less attributes. Also Endorf et al (2003) have written in their book, target detection which has proved to be one of the best reliable and robust methods for Intrusion Detection. They also say that attackers although may be able to evade a signature based IDS, but they cannot bypass target detection which uses strong cryptographic algorithms and uses strong authentication to access the target functions. Commercial tools such as Tripwire, Intruder Alert, ForixNT, etc,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are used by big companies, but are not so widely used by small companies due to price limitations. There are also chances that some Operating Systems might incorporate tools like these so one doesnt have to depend on ext ernal tools.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Teenagers in Depression :: essays research papers

It has come to my attention, that there are quite a few, or need I say many people who have problems with themselves and are in a state of depression. There are many stories that I have read and also dealt with myself about the different causes of this extreme low self esteem. Why does it seem like no one understands us? Why do we have to feel this way? The solution is to simply end everything because then there will be no suffering. No no, that’s no answer to any problem. We as teenagers have to show our strength to fight this confusing and demanding period of our lives. I will elaborate on just one or two of the many reasons depression strikes once again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A big factor that many are quite familiar with is self injury. May it be burning, cutting, or other harmful actions to oneself, it is certainly not healthy. What exactly is the reason for inflicting injury upon ourselves? Do we even know? Personally, my cutting started all because of something pretty dumb if you ask me. I hurt the best person to me in the world and I messed everything up that I had with them. He told me time and time again how horribly I broke his heart and each time it felt like a knife was being stabbed through my heart deeper and deeper. I couldn’t take it anymore; I went mad. I picked up a knife one day and sliced my arm. What on earth was happening? Well, it seems that I took all the hurt that I have caused him and put it physically on me. If he had to hurt so much, well then I should suffer just as much. It’s been over a year now since I have started it and well, as many know it becomes quite addictive†¦you can’t s eem to stop. The last time that I have cut myself was about 2 weeks ago, and I’m proud staying away from the blade that long. I know that if I try really hard I can overcome the temptation of simply hurting myself to take away the stress and tension built up inside. Instead I go for a run or crank my music up really loud and let out all the negative energy that is slowly manifesting inside my body. No matter what the reason is though for hurting yourself, the point that I want to make across is that it’s not worth it.

The First Amendment Essay -- The Bill of Rights

America has been built on freedom throughout the years. Freedom to speak, freedom to choose, freedom to worship, and freedom to do just about anything you want within that of the law. America’s law has been designed to protect and preserve these freedoms. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. It assures citizens that the federal government shall not restrict freedom of worship. It specifically prohibits Congress from establishing an official, government supported church. Under The First Amendment, the federal government cannot require citizens to pay taxes to support a certain church, nor can people be prohibited from worshipping in any way they see fit. However, if a certain religion recommends a practice that is contrary to public morals, such as polygamy, Congress may prohibit such a practice (Weidner, Daniel, 2002). The people of the United States also have the right to assemble peaceably under the First Amendment. The o nly restriction comes from the word peaceably. Assembly may not be prevented, as long as the proper authorities have reasonable assurance that the meeting will be peaceful (Weidner, Daniel, 2002). Since the early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been very important to Americans. The American voice on freedom has been shaped throughout history. The Bill of Rights was originally drawn up in June, 1789. On December 15th, 1791, the Bill of Rights were ratified and added to the United States Constitution. James Madison said that a bill of rights was good for the â€Å"tranquility of the public mind, and the stability of the government† (Burgar, Michael, 2002). Free speech and free press were most important to the drafters of the Bill of Ri... ...ves would be completely different in many different ways. Works Cited Miami Herald Publishing Company v. Tornillo (1974). (n.d.). Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free online reference, research & homework help. — Retrieved April 20, 2011, from First Amendment Theories. (n.d.). Theories. Retrieved April 20, 2011, from Weidner, D. W. (2002). Creating the Constitution: the people and events that formed the nation. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow. Burgan, M. (2002). The Bill of Rights . Minneapolis, Minn.: Compass Point Books. Notable First Amendment court cases. (n.d.). American Library Association. Retrieved April 20, 2011, from †¨ The First Amendment Essay -- The Bill of Rights America has been built on freedom throughout the years. Freedom to speak, freedom to choose, freedom to worship, and freedom to do just about anything you want within that of the law. America’s law has been designed to protect and preserve these freedoms. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. It assures citizens that the federal government shall not restrict freedom of worship. It specifically prohibits Congress from establishing an official, government supported church. Under The First Amendment, the federal government cannot require citizens to pay taxes to support a certain church, nor can people be prohibited from worshipping in any way they see fit. However, if a certain religion recommends a practice that is contrary to public morals, such as polygamy, Congress may prohibit such a practice (Weidner, Daniel, 2002). The people of the United States also have the right to assemble peaceably under the First Amendment. The o nly restriction comes from the word peaceably. Assembly may not be prevented, as long as the proper authorities have reasonable assurance that the meeting will be peaceful (Weidner, Daniel, 2002). Since the early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been very important to Americans. The American voice on freedom has been shaped throughout history. The Bill of Rights was originally drawn up in June, 1789. On December 15th, 1791, the Bill of Rights were ratified and added to the United States Constitution. James Madison said that a bill of rights was good for the â€Å"tranquility of the public mind, and the stability of the government† (Burgar, Michael, 2002). Free speech and free press were most important to the drafters of the Bill of Ri... ...ves would be completely different in many different ways. Works Cited Miami Herald Publishing Company v. Tornillo (1974). (n.d.). Infoplease: Encyclopedia, Almanac, Atlas, Biographies, Dictionary, Thesaurus. Free online reference, research & homework help. — Retrieved April 20, 2011, from First Amendment Theories. (n.d.). Theories. Retrieved April 20, 2011, from Weidner, D. W. (2002). Creating the Constitution: the people and events that formed the nation. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow. Burgan, M. (2002). The Bill of Rights . Minneapolis, Minn.: Compass Point Books. Notable First Amendment court cases. (n.d.). American Library Association. Retrieved April 20, 2011, from †¨

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Welch On Management :: essays research papers

MGT4121 Week Eight Journal Submission : Chapter 14 Case Study: Jack Welch In a classroom where Jack Welch has appeared more than 250 times in the past seventeen years to engage some 15,000 GE managers and executives, something extraordinary happens. The legendary chairman of GE, the take-no-prisoners tough guy who gets results at any cost, becomes human. His slight stutter, a handicap that has bedeviled him since childhood, makes him oddly vulnerable. The students see all of Jack here: the management theorist, strategic thinker, business teacher, and corporate icon who made it to the top despite his working-class background. The fact is no one leaves the room untouched. If leadership is an art, then surely Mr. Welch has proved himself a master painter. Few have personified corporate leadership more dramatically. Fewer still have so consistently delivered on the results of that leadership. For 17 years, while big companies and their chieftains have come and gone, Welch has led GE to one revenue and earnings record after another. What can be inferred from th is case study is the fact that Jack Welch does it through sheer force of personality, coupled with an unbridled passion for winning the game of business and a keen attention to details many chieftains would simply overlook. He does it because he encourages near-brutal candor in the meetings he holds to guide the company through each work year. And he does it because, above all else, he’s a fierce believer in the power of his people. Welch likes to call GE the â€Å"grocery store.† The metaphor, however quirky for such a large firm, allows Welch to mentally roll up his sleeves, slip into an apron, and get behind the counter. There, he can get to know every employee and serve every customer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After being extremely skeptical of quality programs, what’s going on at GE now is Six Sigma. Jack Welch felt that quality programs were too heavy on slogans and to short on results. Yet, Six Sigma is different. A Six Sigma quality level in a company like GE can save a company a great deal of money.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance

Longboats Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance Harlem Renaissance was undoubtedly a cultural and social-political movement for the African American race. The Renaissance was many things to people, but it is best described as a cultural movement in which the high level of black artistic cultural production, demanded and received recognition. Many African American writers, musicians, poets, and leaders were able to express their creativity in many ways in response to their social condition. Until the Harlem Renaissance, poetry and literature were dominated by the white people and were all about the white culture.One writer in particular, Longboats Hughes, broke through those barriers that very few African-American artists had done before this period. Longboats Hughes played a major role and was a tremendous influence on African-American culture throughout the United States during the era of the Harlem Renaissance. He has written many poems that were influenced during the Harlem Renaissanc e, Trumpet Player and Harlem. From my perspective these poems expressed his rhythmic style and his connection to the Harlem Renaissance.In the sass's and early sass's, there was an African American cultural movement hat took place in the neighborhood of Harlem, New York. It is variously known as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Literary Renaissance, or the New Negro Movement. This movement developed at the end of World War I in 1918, blossomed in the mid to late sass's, and faded in the mid sass's. There were several things that contributed to the rise of this time period, after segregation was made legal in the South, it made living conditions intolerable for African-Americans. They were powerless before the law and less than human in the eyes of many whites† (Harlem Renaissance 954). This caused a great migration to the North which seemed absolutely necessary for African-Americans. There was an industrial explosion occurring in the North and it was creating a demand for lab or. Many settled in northern cities such as Chicago, Philadelphia, and Cleveland, but New York was the destination for most. This migration to the North was a huge breakthrough for African-Americans and was the beginning of the cultural movement, the Harlem Renaissance.The Harlem Renaissance was also considered as a literary movement led by the African-Americans. It was a time of African-American creativity in literature, music, dance, and art. This movement created amazing opportunities for African-Americans, they were able to pursue their hopes and dreams without being discriminated against. They persevered and finally received what they hoped and dreamed of from white society. African-Americans received better education, more employment opportunities, and were more acknowledged in the performing arts. African Americans worked not only with a new sense of confidence and purpose but also with a sense of achievement never before experienced by so many black artists in the Eng, troub led history of the peoples of African descent in North America† (Harlem Renaissance 953). During this time the black culture was becoming more popular and accepted by non-blacks. The Harlem Renaissance was important to African- Americans because it was the first major step towards equality. Many African-Americans began to write during this time and began getting noticed for their writings. Some common themes represented during the Harlem Renaissance were the influence of the experience of slavery and emerging African- American folk traditions on black identity, the effects of institutional racism, the lemmas inherent in performing and writing for elite white audiences, and the question of how to convey the experience of modern black life in the urban North† (Wisped, Harlem Renaissance). In many of the writings that I have read from the Harlem Renaissance era, they truly depicted their struggles and experiences through their writings.There were numerous famous poets that emerged from this era, Longboats Hughes was one of the most famous poets and writers of this time. His poems were mainly about his heritage and also the experiences of Africans. Hughes was a great writer with much diversity in his types of writings. His poetry was a way for us to see a picture of urban life during the Harlem Renaissance, the habits, attitudes, and feelings of his oppressed people. These poems did more than reveal the pain of poverty, it also illustrated racial pride and dignity. His main concern was the uplift of his people, whose strengths, resiliency, courage, and humor he wanted to record as part of the general American experience† (Wisped, Longboats Hughes). Hughes was not ashamed of his heritage and his main theme, â€Å"black is beautiful,† was expressed and shared to the world through his poetry. During the literary movement, music was central to the cultural movement of the Harlem Renaissance, which was a main feature of Hughes poetry.He had an important technical influence by his emphasis on folk, Jazz, and blues rhythms as the basis of his poetry of racial pride. Hughes used this unique style of writing because it was important to him to have the readers feel and experience what they were reading, â€Å"to recognize the covert rhetoric in lyric meaner to appreciate the overlap between emotive and discursive poetry. Rooted in song, the lyric reestablishes the ritual of human communion† (Miller 52). The poem that I felt reflected Languor's lyrical style and expressed the struggles of his people was, â€Å"Trumpet Player†.After reading it many times quietly, aloud, and with music I was able to truly understand the meaning that was portrayed through this poem. The trumpet player in this poem was â€Å"The Negro' who sat on the stage, playing his trumpet, and telling us his story about the past and present struggles of his life. In the first stanza where Longboats mentions â€Å"Has dark moons of weariness Ben eath his eyes†, tells me that he has been through many things throughout his life ND by looking at him you can see the struggles he has faced.The line that follows gives you an insight to what he remembers and his violent past, â€Å"Where the smoldering memory of slave ships blazed to the crack of the whips about his thighs†. After reading the first stanza you've learned about the trumpet player and the life that he has lived. â€Å"The Negro' continues to play â€Å"with the trumpet at his lips, has a head of vibrant hair tamed down, Patent-leathered now, Until it gleams like Jet- Were jet a crown†. In this stanza I felt that Longboats showed the beauty of the trumpet player despite the struggles he has faced.With music playing an important role in Languor's style of writing and in the trumpet player's life, he expresses this in the third stanza: â€Å"The music, From the trumpet at his lips, Is honey, Mixed with liquid fire†. The music that the trumpet player plays is like â€Å"honey' to him, it is easy and feels good, â€Å"mixed with liquid fire† meaning it is strong and powerful at the same time. Longboats goes on to explain how important the trumpet is for the trumpet player. He describes the rhythm as â€Å"ecstasy, distilled from old desire†, by using the word â€Å"ecstasy' Longboats expresses how moving and pleasurable the music is to the rumple player. Distilled from old desire† reflects that the trumpet player has always had the desire to play, and even though his desire has aged he still has it within his soul to play. Within the fourth stanza Longboats goes deeper into detail about how deep the desire within the trumpet player really is. â€Å"Desire, That is longing for the moon, Where the moonlight's but a spotlight In his eyes†, I felt that in this line Longboats is telling us that the trumpet player longs for great things as high as the moon, but for him it is unreachable and will onl y be a spotlight in his eye.He also amperes his desire, â€Å"longing for the sea, where the sea's a bar-glass, sucker size†; it is another way of telling us that his desires, hopes, and dreams are as big as the sea, but living the life of oppression it will only be the size of a small glass. The fifth stanza allows us to create an image in our mind what the trumpet player looks and feels as he is playing the trumpet. He is standing there with his Jacket that has a â€Å"fine one-button roll†, playing his trumpet without reading music from a page. Does not know Upon what riff the music slips†, I saw this line to be powerful, the trumpet layer plays and creates music from within his mind and soul, his gift of music is so profound it emanates right out of him without reading a single note. â€Å"Its hypodermic needle to his soul†, Longboats also describes the intense feeling he gets as he plays, almost like a drug, maybe even painful to his soul. â€Å"But softly, as the tune comes from his throat, Trouble Mellows to a golden note†, this last stanza defines for us why the trumpet player plays.Even though he has faced oppression, a violent past, desperation, and struggle the trumpet player uses the music to mellow his soul and invert his pain to â€Å"a golden note†. Throughout this poem Longboats Hughes was able to express using his Jazz-like structure and musical flow, the struggles, past and present, that his people have faced throughout their life. Another poem that I felt truly depicted the feelings of African-Americans during the Harlem Renaissance era is, â€Å"Harlem (Dream Deferred)†. It is a poem about the dreams slaves had while being on the plantations as well as in the streets of Harlem.Throughout the poem, we are not quite sure what the dream is but we are aware of the negative effects dreams can have when they are deferred. Longboats captured me with his first line â€Å"What happens to a dream defer red? † He speaks of the African- Americans from the plantations, who have dreams but are being suppressed by oppressing forces. Racism dividing whites and blacks from any type of equality in America allowing them to have dreams but holding them back to enough to never fulfill those dreams.He continues to ask what will happen to this dream â€Å"does it dry up like a raisin in the sun†, he uses the example off raisin because they start out as a plump Juicy grape, but transform into something different once they are left out to ray. I felt that Longboats wanted us to know that his people had dreams, but the mistreatment and belief of black inferiority from the white slave masters eventually caused those dreams to shrivel up like a raisin and lose their meaning.He then asks could it â€Å"fester like a sore and then run†, meaning does the dream pick at you like a wound or sore, but if nothing is done to heal that sore, or to reach your dream, does it run away from y ou. Longboats gives a very descriptive image to the point you can almost feel and smell what would happen to your dream if it was deferred, â€Å"Does it tint like rotten meat†, the dream becomes so stagnate it begins to turn fowl. In the line could it â€Å"crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet† felt that Longboats was saying that dreaming was sweet in the inside but crusted over and became harder to reach from the outside.When Longboats said â€Å"maybe it Just sags like a heavy load†, he meant these dreams started to weigh on his people's hearts, it became a burden to have any dreams. The last question of the poem â€Å"Or does it explode? † stands out the most to me, you have a dream that you dreamed of so much that it leaves you in espalier and escapes you. Longboats Hughes wrote this poem during a time when African-Americans were enduring injustice, and feeling there was no way to reach forward.I felt he truly captured what it was like for Africa n-Americans at that time and how they were treated. Harlem Renaissance was a time when many African-Americans depicted their struggles and experiences through writing. It was a time that brought out many great changes and it allowed African-Americans to express their culture without fear and shame. This movement changed the way African-Americans were seen by whites, and he black culture became more accepted. Many great writers came about during this time, one of which was Longboats Hughes.His poetry was a true reflection of the African-American culture and Harlem. He was influenced by the struggles presented in the Harlem Renaissance, which was expressed through his poem â€Å"Harlem (Dream Deferred). † He also emphasized how music replenished the soul through emotional connections by the use of form and language through his poem â€Å"Trumpet Player. † Longboats Hughes had a true connection to the Harlem Renaissance, he helped define he spirit of the age through his l yrical style and brilliant writings.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment In Nation Development Economics Essay

The growing of international production is chiefly driven by economic and technological forces. It is besides driven by the on-going liberalisation of Foreign Direct Investments ( FDI ) and trade policies. Foreign Direct Investments ( FDI ) refers to an international investing made by a resident entity in one economic system ( Direct Investor ) with the aim of set uping a permanent involvement in an endeavor. Globalization offers exceeding chances for developing states to accomplish a rapid economic growing through trade and investing. Foreign Direct Investment is considered as a major inducement to economic growing in developing states, as it contributes to host state economic growing, by heightening the state ‘s capital stock, presenting complementary inputs, bring oning engineering transportation and skill acquisition, or increasing competition among local industries. But merely a few states have been successful in pulling important FDI influxs to their state owing to so many grounds. FDI bring away much needed resources to developing states such as capital, engineering, managerial accomplishments, entrepreneurial accomplishments, trade names and entree to new markets etc. These are indispensable for a underdeveloped state to industrialise, develop and make occupations assailing the poorness state of affairs in their states. As such most underdeveloped states recognize the possible value of FDI and have liberalized their investing governments and engaged in investing publicity. Globalization and regional integrating agreements can alter the degree and form of FDI and besides it reduces the trade costs. However, FDI flows to developing states started to pick-up in the mid 1990s mostly as a consequence of systematic addition in liberalisation of FDI policies in these states and the acceptance of by and large more outward orientated policies. This study attempts to turn to the impact of FDIs towards the development of a state, deciding factors of pulling FDIs and issues faced by the host states in pulling FDIs. At the latter portion of this study include recommendations to host state authorities to follow towards foreign investors, in order to advance economic development. For the intent of designation of issues and turn toing of recommendations Sri Lanka, a underdeveloped state that keeps rely on FDIs is taken in to consideration.2.0 Host state determiners that influences the influx of FDI ‘sFDI determinations depend on a assortment of features of the host economic system,Size of the MarketThere can be seen a good well-known relationship between FDI and the size of the market and every bit good as with some of its features ( e.g. mean income degrees and growing rates ) . When the GDP of a state is comparatively little, it is an index of low degree of national income. As such investors prefer to put in states where there is a high growing potency and where there is a big market for their merchandises and services.OpennessEven though the investors pay attending on the size and the growing of the market as of import, all the other domestic market factors are predictably much less relevant in export oriented foreign houses. Wide spread penetration is that unfastened economic systems encourage more foreign investing. One index of openness is the comparative size of the export sector. Particularly fabrication exports are a important determiner of FDI influxs. Investors prefer states where there are indulgent regulations and ordinances in relation to foreign trade.Labor costs and productivenessLabour cost is a important factor for foreign investors specially when doing their investings in labour intensive industries and for export oriented subordinates. ( For an illustration opening up garment mills, export processing houses where larger figure of employees is required ) Low pay rates to a great ext ent stimulate investors to do their investing determinations in a peculiar state. However when the cost of labor is comparatively undistinguished ( when pay rates vary somewhat from state to state ) the accomplishments of the labour force are expected to hold an impact on determinations about FDI locationPolitical HazardHigh returns in the extractive industries seem to counterbalance for political instability. In general, every bit long as the foreign company is confident of being able to run productively without undue hazard to its capital and forces, it will go on to put. Large companies overcome some of the political hazards by puting in their ain substructure care and their ain security forces. But these companies are restrained by little local markets and exchange rate hazards since they tend to sell entirely on the international market. If a state is vulnerable to a higher grade of public violences, labor differences, and corruptness and if it possesses greater condemnable deg ree, those will be the determiners that restrain foreign investings.Infrastructure FacilitiesInfrastructure covers many dimensions runing from roads, ports, railroads and telecommunication systems required to institutional development ( e.g. Legal services, accounting etc. ) The extent of conveyance installations and the propinquity to major ports has a important positive consequence on the location of FDI within the state. Poor substructure can be seen both as an obstruction and every bit good as an chance for foreign investing.Incentives and operating conditionsRemoval of boundaries and proviso of a healthy environment for concerns that consists of better operating conditions, lower revenue enhancement rates or revenue enhancement vacations are by and large believed to hold a positive impact on exciting FDI. Further inducements such as the granting of equal intervention to foreign investors in relation to local opposite numbers and the gap up of new markets ( e.g. air conveyance, retailing, banking ) have been reported as of import factors of promoting FDI flows to a peculiar state.DenationalizationThrough denationalization it has attracted some foreign investing influxs in recent old ages. But when traveling on to most of the development, low income states advancement is still low due to divestments of province assets. This has become political issues that demotivate investors. For an illustration employee opposition and their aggressive actions over denationalization or other moves which threaten their bing occupations and worker rights may move as a discouraging factor of FDI.3.0 Issues to pull FDIMajority of the low income states including Sri Lanka fail to pull big FDI flows in to their states as domestic markets are little in size. Investors are loath to put in their mills if they are unable to pull a critical mass for their merchandises. Impossibility of pulling FDI due to miss of openness in the economic system as the export fabrication sector is governed by stiff regulations and the issues faced by the industry due to miss of or get rid ofing of quota. Labour market rigidnesss and high pay rates in the formal sector with comparing to other states like China, Vietnam is frequently viewed as a discouraging factor in order to pull important in flows in to the export sector in peculiar. Lower productiveness with comparing to states like China and states in bomber Saharan Africa and deficiency of applied scientists and proficient staff is reported as keeping back possible foreign investing, particularly in fabricating exports sector. Further it lessens the attraction of puting in productive sectors. Higher degree of labour differences, work stoppages, public violences, corruptness in the state and every bit good as some of authorities stiff policies inefficiency in the populace sector are the causal factors that prevent investors from puting in Sri Lanka. Poor substructure can be seen as an obstruction to pull FDI to take down income states like Sri Lanka. Host authorities can pull important FDI by allowing more significant foreign engagement in the substructure sector. In Sri Lanka even tough there is a important addition in FDI in telecommunication and air lines. Other more basic substructure such as roads, edifices remain unattractive reflecting both he low returns and higher political hazards of such investings. Even though the authorities has removed certain limitations late, which has been imposed earlier on FDI, the deficiency of transparence, inordinate hold in investing blessing processs, deficiency of clear cut policy for investing blessing and extended bureaucratic systems are still act as discouraging factors of foreign investings. Due to employee perceptual experience sing foreign employers and their aggressive actions against denationalization and inclination towards province ain endeavors act as a barrier to pull foreign investors. Further a figure of structural jobs are restraining the procedure of denationalization. Slow growing and lower degree of competition in fiscal markets which has been characterized by inefficiencies, deficiency of deepness and transparence and the absence of regulative processs as those are still continued to be dominated by authorities activity and are frequently protected from competition. Even though the attitudes of the civil society on the impact of FDI on chances for domestic concern and economic activities is positive and the net attitude of foreign houses toward FDI reveals that the investing clime has non improved in Sri Lanka as a consequence of deficiency of good administration, corruptness, political instability and perturbation, bureaucratic inactiveness and hapless low and order state of affairs.4.0 Overall limitations in FDIMost South Asiatic states have liberalized equity limitations on FDI in the services sector to promote trade under Mode 3, i.e. Trade through commercial presence. Taking stock of the liberalisation of services that has taken topographic point in different states in the part, in different sectors, significant one-sided liberalisation has taken topographic point under Mode 3 in Sri Lanka. Though states are trying to pull FDI in many of their services, by liberalising services, the portion of the part in planetary FDI in services is still really low. One of the grounds for this is the being of barriers to FDI in South Asiatic states. There are so many barriers and limitations at assorted degrees get downing from the point of entry that deter investors. Even though there are no limitations on equity ownership, so many other limitations are available at the point of entry, stretching from mere presentment demands to straight-out prohibition of FDI ; others may aim the operations of houses ; while yet another class may curtail the country of ownership and control. Sri Lanka has opened its services sector to foreign investing. Foreign ownership of 100 % equity is allowed in scope of services sectors such as banking, insurance, telecommunications, touristry, stock securities firm, building of residential edifices and roads, H2O supply, mass transit, production and distribution of energy, professional services and the constitution of affair offices or local subdivisions of foreign companies. However some of the limitations still exists, curtailing FDI in services even when 100 % equity is allowed are, foreign commercial Bankss are allowed to open subdivision offices in Sri Lanka topic to an economic demands trial and blessing by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Foreign investors are allowed to keep 100 % equity in local Bankss topics to bounds on single portion ownership. Even though the authorities has late privatized province ain insurance companies, nevertheless resident Sri Lankans are prohibited from obtaining foreign insurance policies except for wellness and travel. The limitations may besides change with the nature of the industry. For an illustration distribution services, limitations may include public presentation demands, districting ordinances, advertisement limitations etc. In professional services limitations used are by and large of the nature of nationality and residence demands and deficiency of acknowledgment of foreign makings. Therefore even if the equity limitations are removed, there may be other limitations that may non let the influx of FDI in to the services sector. Please mention Annexure 1 for some bing barriers to FDI in different states in South Asiatic part.5.0 Reasons for Caution of FDIEven though it is said that FDI has a heavy impact on heightening the growing and development of a state, there are several grounds for developing states to stay with mean limitations in services or to hold other barriers to investings in services. Apart from the sensitiveness of services with cultural, societal, distributional or strategi c significance, there are economic concerns excessively. Among them, To avoid the hazard of foreign investors out viing domestic investors. Sale of public public-service corporations to foreign houses raises complex issues related to denationalization and the ordinance of natural monopolies. Entry by big multinational corporations involves competition policy considerations and many host states may non experience to cover with proficient or legal issues involved. It is hard to measure the impact of liberalisation in a peculiar sector, particularly if it employees a big figure of unskilled people. As such it is of import to set about an in deepness survey prior to the determination to let foreign houses. But many states lack the will or expertise to set about such analysis. Most of the foreign investors are monopolies and in any event demand to be regulated ; domestic ordinances are frequently hard to set in topographic point.6.0 RecommendationsGovernment should concentrate its attending on obtaining foreign investor engagement in developing substructure. So far Sri Lankan authorities acts the function of substructure facilitator. But it should see on pulling FDIs to develop substructure sector as good, non merely in attractive and most profitable few countries like telecommunication and air hoses, but besides in building of roads, main roads, overpasss, rail roads, edifices etc. BOO ( Built, Operating, Ownership ) , BOT ( Built, Operating, Transfer ) , BTO/Turnkey Projects ( Built, Transfer, Operate ) , BLT ( Built, Lease, Transfer ) and assorted other mechanisms to heighten the foreign investor engagement in this respect. Government should concentrate its attending on implementing an unfastened door policy where it encourages foreign investors. It should heighten the quality of the bing Export Processing Zones ( EPZ ‘s ) and Free Trade Zones ( FTZs ) in order to excite investors to come and open up their fabrication or processing workss in Sri Lanka. Government intervention and domination on fiscal sector should be minimized unless to exert a control over such establishments to guarantee the transparence and proper operation of them. Existing stock market should be popularized among the general populace and should be opened up for foreign investors. Even though there are no limitations on equity ownership there are several barriers at the point of entry, stretching from mere presentment demands to straight-out prohibition of FDI etc. These may discourage foreign investors from puting within the state. Thus this fact should be taken in to Account during the policy devising procedure. It is frequently criticized the quality of the end product of Sri Lankan instruction system. It is said that there is a mismatch between the employer demands and the instruction provided to the pupils or undergraduates. Therefore Higher instruction policies particularly in relation to secondary, third and university instruction course of study should be changed in order to run into employer outlooks. Adequate preparation chances provided to them in order to acknowledge and unleash their potencies and accomplishments. Therefore more accent should be given towards the importance of industry preparation when representing higher instruction policies. As FDI in services has grown, a figure of issues have come to the head of policy devising. One of the of import issues is that pulling FDI in services where it is most coveted. i.e. services sectors where domestic capablenesss are limited to provide to the turning demand or where the domestic service suppliers do non hold the ability or capacity to supply the needed quality of services, as for an illustration telecommunication, and conveyance services. As such more grants to be given for the investors those who are willing to put in those countries in order to promote them. Regulatory frame work to be strengthened in order to pull investors and besides to avoid monopolistic state of affairss. States without necessary regulative frame work may free by hotfooting in to liberalisation. Particularly when a reversal of liberalisation is difficult to accomplish or when liberalisation has systemic deductions as in the instance of fiscal industry. By and large, the positive growing effects of FDI have been more likely when FDI is drawn into competitory markets, whereas negative effects on growing have been more likely when FDI is drawn into to a great extent protected industries ( Encarnation and Wells, 1986 ) . As such domestic industries should be strengthened to a grade in order to supply them the ability to vie with foreign investings.7.0 DecisionThis study has examined the factors that stimulate the flow of FDI and the issues that limits or restrains a state from pulling FDIs based on Sri Lanka, a underdeveloped state that entertains FDI. It is doubtless accepted that there is a positive nexus between FDI and growing. Particularly when Sri Lanka concerns a direct and positive growing impact of FDI on the Sri Lankan economic system and its growing has non reflected during the past and every bit good as in the present. Attitude of the civil society and foreign house towards FDI in the state is positive. But the investing clime has non improved in Sri Lanka as a consequence of political instability and perturbation, hapless jurisprudence and order state of affairs, direct and indirect regulative barriers, political instability and the implied policy instability, ill developed substructure installations, lower degree of human capital, deficiency of transparence in the trade policy etc. Consequently the protectionist trade policies, direct and indirect regulative barriers ( that raise the cost of investing to foreign houses, for illustration it has found that in Sri Lanka about 13 per centum of capital costs and 30 per centum of net incomes are lost due to hindrances in the regulative model ) , political instability and the implied stableness, ill develop substructure installations, lower degree of literacy and investing in human capital excessively discourage investors. Lack of transparence in the tr ade policy, favoritism against non-export orientated sectors like plantations and high loaning rates are excessively act as restraints to FDI flows in Sri Lanka. The importance of FDI can non be overstated, as consequence, that investing clime in the state must be improved through appropriate steps such as de-regulation in economic activity, increase domestic economy, developing port web, route web, railroads and telecommunication installations etc, making more transparence in the trade policy and more flexible labor markets and puting a suited regulative frame work and duty construction. Currently Sri Lanka provides an attractive investing government but the response from the investor has non been really encouraging. If the ultimate aim of the authorities is to pull FDI for development, poorness decrease and growing, so an appropriate policy mix is necessary to accomplish these.8.0 AnnexureAnnexure 1Table 1: Extent of Liberalisation in Mode 3 in Selected ServicesStatesWell Liberalised( 100 % equity )Reasonably LiberalisedLess than Reasonably Liberalised/RestrictedSri Lanka Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications, Tourism, Construction, Transport ( Road ) , Professional services. Transporting and travel bureaus, Freight forwarding, Higher instruction, Mass communications. Non Bank Money Lending, Retail trade with capital investing of less than $ 1mn, Secondary instruction, Air transit, Coastal transportation. India Computer and information services, Transport ( Road ) . Telecommunications, Banking, Insurance, Air Transport, Construction. Retail trading, Railwaies, Real estate, Professional services like Postal, Accountancy etc. Pakistan Telecommunication, Banking services, Legal and technology consultancy services, Transport, Construction, Computer and information services. Insurance.–Bangladesh Conveyance, Telecommunications, Construction, Computer and information services, Banking and Insurance services.–Railwaies. NepalBanking, Insurance, Telecommunications, Computer and information services, Tourism. Personal Business Services, Advisory services.