Thursday, October 31, 2019

REFLECTION Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

REFLECTION - Term Paper Example This integrative experience has helped me to develop my knowledge in health care provision and in building my long term and short term professional goals. This essay seeks to provide a reflective approach to the academic experience in Liberty University as one of the recommended superior ways of conducting a re-evaluation of learning experiences. My experience in undergraduate program has had a significant transformational effect on my attitude towards health care provision as part of the community service. One key aspect of nursing that has come out clearly in the learning experience is the sensitivity of nursing practice especially in its application in community service. Human life is delicate and having to handle a patient it is vocational to exercise extreme caution to avoid severe consequences that are associated with carelessness while handling patients. Wise to note also is the high level of professionalism expected with every nursing practitioner in handling matters regardin g patients (Rigolosi, 2005). As one of the most regulated professions in the United States, ethical standards must be adhered to strictly and comprehension of the various policies governing this field has prepared me to enter the nursing field with more expertise. In addition, I have gained a lot academic knowledge as pertains patient treatment and handling of medicine. In fact, the undergraduate program has formed a foundation for advancement in this field and has helped me to set up my career development path in future as part of perfection nursing. In the course of learning, I have found a number of courses crucial in modeling my professional knowledge and skills. One of the courses that has had a great impact on my understanding of the nursing profession is the Nursing leadership course. In this class, I have learned what is expected of me as a novice in the nursing field and how to avoid common mistakes that new entrant in the nursing field often make. A unique content of this course is the nursing sensitive quality indicators that are used in evaluation of the key elements of patient care that reflects the structure, process and outcomes of professional nursing care. In the three processes, I have learnt the level of skills expected from nursing staff, methods of patient assessment and the expected patient outcomes as measures of quality of nursing care. As Rigolosi (2005) points out, nursing practice is a vocational service that demands the application of Christian principles while providing honest and care-driven services to the community. Through this course, I feel that the university has prepared me with the necessary servant attitude while commissioning my duties as a young nursing professional. Another course that has become an eye opener in my learning process is nursing management. One of the key dimensions of nursing practice that were emphasized in this course is the existence of health facility as a business entity. Just like in any other bus iness, resources in the medical sector are scarce and their effective utilization determines the achievable quality of health that can accessed by the community (Rigolosi, 2005). I found the part of human resource management as critical especially in nursing staffing and hiring of medical professionals. However, I found this

Monday, October 28, 2019

Media on Youth Essay Example for Free

Media on Youth Essay Media, the widest influence known to humans. The powerhouse of civilization. Why do the youth of today praise the photo-shopped bodies of Victoria Secret or Calvin Cline Models? Why do they thrive to keep track of the latest fashion trends that they see within the pages of popular magazines such as Vogue or Cosmopolitan? It’s the type of question that has no real answer, but far too many consequences. The ‘perfect’ body. Browse through the magazines, it’s there. Most teens will do anything to get that stick figure and emphasize on anything. Eating disorders are commonly found in youths. Disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia are mental disorders that force youths not to eat because they believe they are ‘fat’. They then refuse food, vomit food they have eaten or in some cases, use pills to lose the pounds and continue to do so even when they are considered ‘skinny’. They gradually become too thin and frail. Some teenagers become obsessed with working out which is healthy, but not when they workout two to four times a day. Obsessive working out usually allows the patient to build muscle rather than lose weight. In this mental state disorder, they don’t want rock hard abs or strong calfs, they just want to be ‘skinny’. Flip open a magazine, proceed through it and Stop! Whats there? Probably an ad from a designer, or anything subliminal that enters the mindset of a teenager. This promise for beauty and perfection is brainwashing. Fashion this summer is going retro which means the youth will ransack expensive stores looking for the latest trends they saw in that Teen Vogue magazine, or during the commercial break while watching T.V. or maybe even mounted on a giant billboard. If it says â€Å"buy this†, teens will do anything to buy it. Some teens may get into shoplifting or stealing money from their parents to get these items. Money is hard to come by when young and out of work so staying on top of the trends becomes harder to achieve. The youth should learn the value of money which media does not teach. Youth should not obsess over their bodies. With a healthy balanced diet and the right exercise, they can stay in shape and look and feel good. Teenagers don’t need a new wardrobe every week. Buy clothes that is needed at reasonable prices, or look for sales to find bargains. The youth should not buy something because of impulse. Media makes it look so easy to have or get, but in reality it’s tempting youths to be something or someone they’re not. Media is a huge influence but with the right mindset, it can be overcome and taken lightly. Media will always be there, it’s up to the individual to take what they want from these messages within reason.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reform Measures in Healthcare

Reform Measures in Healthcare Within a rapidly expanding global community, evolving economies and social structures challenge local governments to reform and revise historical practices in more supportive and efficient manners. New public sector management aligns explicit standards and objectives with a ‘hands on’ management technique dedicated to generating tangible outputs and improving efficiencies. Global leaders in such progressive policies recognize that convergence between nations as well as internal organisations continues to evolve public policy towards cohesive and translatable objectives. Recognizing the multinational variability inherent in public sector modernisation, the OECD (2003) reminds that oftentimes systemic differences and public transparency offer significant challenges to integrating such convergence methodology. Yet policy evolution challenges governing bodies to recognize the benefits of actively participating within the public sector and defining the nature of organisationa l compartmentalisation as well as establishing a participative role within a much broader multi-national enterprise. Perhaps one of the most researched models of public sector management, the health care sector offers a challenging, yet essential participle to works programmes that are increasingly becoming a staple of humanitarian necessity. Goddard and Mannion (2004) recognized that governance systems evolve around a hybrid of vertical and horizontal methods, each imposing unique performance expectations on the constructs of public programmes. The former, a mode of authoritative control from a central body, enables dissemination of ideologies and performance expectations across a broad range of coordinated operations. More autonomous by nature and open to rapid evolution, under horizontal initiatives, local programmes are responsible for performance initiatives, oftentimes competing and collaborating with their counterparts throughout the process. Both the UK and China have integrated varied representations of such programmes as modes of reforming their health care initiatives. While similarities and natural convergence exist in practice and policy, the historic path towards improved public programmes has undergone dramatically divergent modes of operation. The following sections compare and contrast such evolution, recognizing the opportunities for future reform as health care reform becomes an increasingly volatile political topic. In order to appropriately consider reform measures, government leaders must actively consider the benefits of decentralisation and potential for accountability protocol in spite of divergence. Davies, et al. (2005) challenge that it is important to the reform process to explore the advantages of increased competition prior to policy implementation; from this proactive, analytical standpoint, national leaders can actively direct their performance expectations in a result driven programme. Given the objectives of disggregation, performance contracting must integrate a multi-dimensional structure, one which becomes innate within corporate procedures, policies, and activities, and is regularly audited for compliance (Talbot, et al., 2000). Those nations who establish firm programme objectives prior to implementation will allow a variety of targeted studies, including convergence comparisons, future feasibility protocol, and concise results analysis. Within the UK reform system, the Natio nal Health Service (NHS) has been designed with performance measurement guidelines strictly integrated into its foundation. Specifically, the formation of Foundation Trusts, a type public-private partnership, has enabled regulation through achievement of performance objectives directly related to both economic and social expectations (Goddard and Mannion, 2004). A form of both vertical and horizontal control, such foundations provide for accountability along government sponsored programme lines as well as intra-network through their partnerships with other trusts. Talbot, et al. (2000) recognize that once agency control has been extended outside of the locus of governmental control, regaining oversight and returning operations to an internal government function is both difficult and oftentimes detrimental to the success of the programme. For China, however, this locus of control has presented a much more dire challenge, as redistribution of power to local authorities in the 1990â₠¬â„¢s represented a dramatic decline in health care coverage and a lack of social equity in opportunities. Historic challenges within the public sector reform initiatives are directly linked to a relaxed sphere of governmental control, one which is deeply seeded in a loss of democratic abilities, diverse and incongruous organisational formats, and coordination failures (OECD, 2004). Perhaps one of the most integral but challenging objectives of public sector reform is that of economic benefit and appropriate balances throughout a developing system. Between 1978 and 1990, the Chinese government, realising that medical subsidies were limiting economic growth, reduced government spending from 32% to 15% of GDP revenue (Blumenthal and Hsiao, 2005). Palmer (2006) notes that in the UK, health care expenses currently account for around 7 percent per annum of English GDP and is expected to increase to around 8 percent over the coming five years. In spite of the dedicated capital flow, historic Chinese health care relied on an inefficient system which was eventually devolved to local governments and provincial leaders, dramatically adjusting the available financing within poorer rural areas (Blumenthal and Hsiao, 2005). In fact, recent data from the Chinese Ministry of Health demonstrates that spending per capita throughout urban areas is over 3.5 times that of rural are as, underling the subversive mechanisms of public sector divergence and reform efforts (Chinese Health Statistical Digest, 2005). Under the reformed UK NHS system, such deficiencies are idealistically reduced through a system of weighted capitation and demand-side reform (Department of Health, 2005). The long term objective is to impose efficiency standards on PCT’s in an effort to regulate the dispersion of funding across large geographical areas. In this way, both urban and rural participants receive equitable treatment and humanitarian interests are maintained in spite of social standing. The recent revision to the Chinese health care plan boasts similar principles, placing citizen services before profit and transitioning its national healthcare system to one of non-profit status (Juan, 2008). Unfortunately, a programme which is primarily reliant on tax surplus and participant fee payments will flounder within the overwhelming needs of a rapidly expanding global power. One method that evolving governments have actualized rapid growth and economic stability is through public private partnerships and privatisation. Hsiao (1995) notes that given the radical shift away from governmental funding, market-oriented fee based systems became normative throughout China, thereby reducing the propensity of rural poor to pursue inoculations and more common medical treatments due to an overwhelming cost basis. The modern Chinese system purports a much more inclusive focus, challenging consumers to participate within the reform mechanisms and have a voice in government initiatives (China Daily News, 2008). Yet even under the reform measures within the NHS system, citizen vocalization remains a key point of debate, as a recent survey generated less than favourable results for the progress over the past several years. Ultimately, the challenge to the governing organisations is to allow a participative structure with accountability protocol for local commissioners wh o fail at their expected duties (Department of Health, 2008). Returning oversight to trusts and local authorities and expanding focus away from private finance initiatives and privately managed health care systems will continue to redress the challenges of performance achievement and social participation. Privatisation within the Chinese medical infrastructure has dramatically altered the quality and cost basis of medical services, undermining the needs of a financially burdened population, and evading governmental oversight due to limited performance evaluations and control mechanisms (Liu and Mills, 2002). Similarly, Dummer and Cook (2007) challenge that the Chinese regime moves towards a privatised and market-based economy of health care has led to inequity and inefficiency in the health service system, directly undermining the expected performance results achieved by international counterparts. Considerations within public sector often revolve around government oversight and market partnerships which sustain broad focus objectives and offer progressive reform stability. One evolution of the NHS system which has a occurred as a result of the 2004 and 2006 white papers is the introduction of community health care, and most importantly, a predictive structure which integrates both local preventative care facilities with hospital services (Palmer, 2006). Exemplary of opportunism within private practice, within its historic format, Chinese practitioners have been encouraged to utilize more sophisticated methods of diagnosis and treatment (and by nature, more costly) as government subsidies actively reduce the cost of more fundamental treatments in order to extend medical opportunities to all classes of citizens (Wagstaff and Lindelow, 2008). Lakin (2005) reminds that within developing nations, natural inadequacies within the regime structure oftentimes encourage the integration of agency initiatives and public works management. An evasion tactic, agency integration offers an exodus from bureaucratic inefficiencies, thereby benefiting both social and economic development at a much more rapid and effective pace than government oversight can offer. Under the reform mechanisms set in motion in the NHS system, general practitioners (GP’s) are offered incentives for reducing the number of unnecessary hospital referrals and maintaining an appropriate geographic area for patient distribution (Palmer, 2006). Chinese reform mechanisms challenge practitioners to ensure appropriate distribution of the patient base, limiting hospital visits to those scenarios which require complex solutions not actionable at their local clinic or GP (Juan, 2008). The nature of reform is one which continues to evolve as public interest and more efficient solutions become visible through experience and convergence. The OECD in their 2004 Policy Brief reminds that the impetus for public administration should be one founded on governance and not the narrowed and limiting principles of managerial oversight. This secondary nature defines the nature of policy implementation, and as public programmes are expanded to include private partnerships, governance becomes a fundamental utility which is directly linked to well defined performance categories. In the 1970’s over 90% of rural Chinese workers were covered by the cooperative medical system (CMS), most of who lived within 1.5 km from a township health centre (Dummer and Cook, 2007). Other schemes, the labour insurance scheme (LIS) and the government insurance scheme (GIS) covered the broad scope of other Chinese citizens in varied employ, ensuring that medical coverage was generally free and government subsidised (Dummer and Cook, 2007). Figures show that by 2003, 80% of China’s population (640 million people) lacked health insurance and even those who were represented by agency coverage were increasingly challenged to cover a higher percentage of their own medical expenses (Anson and Sun, 2002). Similar challenges have evolved throughout the reform process of the NHS system, as available resources are inefficiently distributed among the population resulting in increased waiting times and misdirection of care due to resource allocation. Researchers note that within the current NHS reform mechanisms, the vertical alignment of performance creates an inequitable system within which primary care trusts (PCT’s) are challenged to meet efficiency expectations outside of their capacity (Palmer, 2006). Each representing a unique and politically charged challenge within the scheme of socio-economic expansion, the case studies of both the UK and China offer remarkable insight to the volatile and unpredictable world of public health care programmes. Ultimately, the nature of convergence, an informed collaboration across international borders will install comparable programmes within each system of operation; however, the nature of social and political environments ensures that public sector management techniques will remain unique to each governmental agency. Specific opportunities for policy reform do linger within each political structure, challenging conventional techniques and perceptions to evolve to meet public demand. First and foremost, the continued partnership with private enterprise will enable rapid evolution of public programmes for both nations in spite of their stages of development. By nature, the capitalisation of government programmes is dependent on the support of t he public; recognizing this frailty, government partnerships will continue to offer modes of revenue generation without directly affecting a hypersensitive community. Secondly, equity across geographic areas is essential to the principles of supportive health care programmes. The failures within both structures are inherent in the definition of equity itself, in that it can no longer be taken as a literal term. Communities with larger populations must be availed of a larger budget for health care provision; whereas those communities who are more rural and of smaller makeup may receive a more limited budget, the opportunity for expanding such funding given varied annual trends should be readily available. Finally, global insight recognizes that preventative care is a means to life preservation and progressive health care practices which fundamentally improve health by active methodology. Both nations already recognize the substantial cost savings from reducing the number of practitio ner visits through preventative awareness and care; therefore, revised programmes should place this educated perspective at the forefront of policy, actively ensuring that doctors and care providers are able to encourage such opportunities for wellbeing. While fully integrated convergence in a globalised community is an unrealistic ideal, the potential for collaborative development and multi-national partnership remains a worthy accompaniment to foreign policy. As health care programmes evolve and reform worldwide, the nature of humanity is one of wariness and rejection; through new public sector management practices, the potential for rapid assimilation and supportive expansion becomes a readily attuned mode of unprecedented participation. References Anson, O; Sun, S. (2002) â€Å"Gender and Health in Rural China: Evidence from HeBei Province.† Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 55, pp. 1039-1054. Bluementhal, D; Hsiao, W. â€Å"Privatization and its Discontents—The Evolving Chinese Health Care System.† The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 353, No. 11, pp. 1165-1170. â€Å"China’s Health Care Reform Focuses on Public Service.† (2008) China Daily, April 15th, Accessed on 8/2/08 From: â€Å"Chinese Health Statistical Digest.† (2005) Chinese Ministry of Health. Davies, Lesley; Wright, Kathryn; Price, Catherine W. (2005) â€Å"Experience of Privatisation, Regulation, and Competition: Lessons for Governments.† Economic and Social Research Council, Centre for Competition Policy, Working Paper 05-5. Dummer, T.J.B; Cook, I.G. (2007) â€Å"Exploring China’s Rural Health Crisis: Processes and Policy Implications.† Health Policy, Vol. 83, pp. 1-16. â€Å"Engagement Analysis: NHS Next Stage Review, What We Heard From the Our NHS, Our Future, Process.† (2008) Department of Health, July, Accessed on 8/02/08 From: Goddard, Maria; Mannion, Russell. (2004) â€Å"The Role of Horizontal and Vertical Approaches to Performance Measurement and Improvement in the UK Public Sector.† Public Performance and Management Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, September, pp. 75-95. â€Å"Health Reform in England: Update and Next Steps.† (2005) Department of Health, Press Release, 2005/0445, 13th of December. Hsiao, W. (1995) â€Å"The Chinese Health Care System: Lessons for Other Nations.† Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 41, No. 8, pp. 1047-1055. Juan, Shan. (2008) â€Å"Equity Main Aim of Health Care Reform.† China Daily, March 14th, Accessed on 8/02/08 From: Laking, Rob. (2005) â€Å"Agencies: Their Benefits and Risks.† OECD Journal on Budgeting, Vol. 4, No. 4. Liu, X; Mills, A. (2002) â€Å"Financing Reforms of Public Health Services in China: Lessons for Other Nations.† Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 54, pp. 1691-1698. Palmer, Keith. (2006) â€Å"NHS Reform: Getting Back on Track.† London: King’s Fund, Accessed on 8/2/08 From: â€Å"Public Sector Modernisation.† (2003) OECD, Policy Brief, October. â€Å"Public Sector Modernisation: Changing Organisational Structures.† (2004) OECD, Policy Brief, September. â€Å"Public Sector Modernisation: Modernising Public Employment.† (2004) OECD, Policy Brief, July. Talbot, Colin; Pollitt, Christopher; Bathgate, Karen; Caulfield, Janice’ Reilly, Adrian; Smullen, Amanda. (2000) â€Å"The Idea of Agency: Researching the Agencification of the (Public Service) World.† Washington, D.C.: American Political Studies Association Conference, August. Wagstaff, Adam; Lindelow, Magnus. (2008) â€Å"Can Insurance Increase Financial Risk? The Curious Case of Health Insurance in China.† Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 27, pp. 990-1005.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Greenhousing The Wrong Way :: essays research papers fc

Greenhousing the Wrong Way Exactly what is the "Greenhouse Effect?" The "Greenhouse Effect" is the common name given to global warming. The effect is named so due to its similarities to the function of a greenhouse. Heat from the sun is allowed into our atmosphere, and then bounces off of the Earth and heads back out to space. But now that we have a wall of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and CFC's, the sun's heat rays bounce back towards the Earth. The continuous burning of fossil fuels and the rain forests is causing excess amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide acts as the walls of a greenhouse that encompasses the whole world, trapping heat into the atmosphere. The thickening of the blanket is causing more heat to be trapped resulting in the warming of the earth. One great example of the Greenhouse Effect is the planet Venus. Venus's atmosphere had a thick layer of CO2, giving the planet's surface a temperature warm enough to melt lead. So What Does All This "Greenhouse" Stuff Have To Do With Me? As the temperatures rise, the waters get warmer and begin the melting process of the polar ice caps (Popular Science). Long term predictions of Global warming say that the melting of the polar ice caps will continue causing ocean waters to rise, resulting in massive coastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami. If the next century's warming stays at a low end of estimates, the consequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or top estimates, we are likely to see such things as more frequent and more intense heat waves, increased flooding, and droughts in different areas. Not to mention the 60,000,000 migrants that would be caused if only 1% of our future population had to seek higher ground. This many migrants would help to further our already crowded cities, and take more jobs and require health care. Diseases such as malaria and other insect borne ailments will have an expanded range if the tropics continue to warm. If conditions change faster than species can adapt, many, many, many animals will become extinct (World Book). So What Am I Supposed To About All These Man Made Disasters? Become knowledgeable about the subject of global warming. Recognize that global warming may worsen and prepare yourself and others for it. Greenhousing The Wrong Way :: essays research papers fc Greenhousing the Wrong Way Exactly what is the "Greenhouse Effect?" The "Greenhouse Effect" is the common name given to global warming. The effect is named so due to its similarities to the function of a greenhouse. Heat from the sun is allowed into our atmosphere, and then bounces off of the Earth and heads back out to space. But now that we have a wall of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and CFC's, the sun's heat rays bounce back towards the Earth. The continuous burning of fossil fuels and the rain forests is causing excess amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide acts as the walls of a greenhouse that encompasses the whole world, trapping heat into the atmosphere. The thickening of the blanket is causing more heat to be trapped resulting in the warming of the earth. One great example of the Greenhouse Effect is the planet Venus. Venus's atmosphere had a thick layer of CO2, giving the planet's surface a temperature warm enough to melt lead. So What Does All This "Greenhouse" Stuff Have To Do With Me? As the temperatures rise, the waters get warmer and begin the melting process of the polar ice caps (Popular Science). Long term predictions of Global warming say that the melting of the polar ice caps will continue causing ocean waters to rise, resulting in massive coastal flooding of major cities such as Los Angeles and Miami. If the next century's warming stays at a low end of estimates, the consequences are likely to be mild. But if warming reaches the middle or top estimates, we are likely to see such things as more frequent and more intense heat waves, increased flooding, and droughts in different areas. Not to mention the 60,000,000 migrants that would be caused if only 1% of our future population had to seek higher ground. This many migrants would help to further our already crowded cities, and take more jobs and require health care. Diseases such as malaria and other insect borne ailments will have an expanded range if the tropics continue to warm. If conditions change faster than species can adapt, many, many, many animals will become extinct (World Book). So What Am I Supposed To About All These Man Made Disasters? Become knowledgeable about the subject of global warming. Recognize that global warming may worsen and prepare yourself and others for it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

No life in outer space

For centuries, man has always wondered if he is alone in the entire universe, questions like who built the pyramids in Egypt or the Stonehenge in England have always been in a question in the minds. The term extra terrestrial has always fascinated us, and there have been many movies and book made and written simultaneously, and there have been claims of people who saw U.F.O (Unidentified Flying Object), and strange sized people, but till date no government in the entire world has not approved to these claims, and moreover most of them have been always declared as hoaxes or a misunderstanding with the high powered stealth planes.But the fact of the matter is that whatever technology and scientific research we have, it shows that is impossible to have a life existence apart from Earth for various scientific reasons, as whole scenario of existence of aliens and life in outer space is just based on hoaxes, stories and assumptions.The whole theory of existence of an alien life form exist on the cynical question, that if humans and other living creatures were born in this planet, then it is also possible for other life organism to take origin on other planets. The whole episode of existence was well supported, which led to the formation of the famous SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence), but this organization which has a basis on scientific evidences on the basis of radio and optic frequencies have failed for more than four decades to establish even a single contact, or even to prove the slightest amount proof of living organism existing on other planets.Even after their failure in detecting any life forms, the staff of SETI is still hopeful; this can be evident from the following:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If we are alone, then that’s extraordinarily remarkable in such a vast universe. Personally I don’t think we’re that special†(Courtesy: Prof Seth Shostak, SETI institute)On the basis of the amount of technology we have, if we have to assess the planets in our own galaxy, existence of life seems to be a very distance vision, as scientifically it cannot be proved that our solar system has any existence of an alien life form. If we take the instance of Mercury, being so close to the sun, it is impossible to have any possibility of having life, because of the intense heat. Moon which is supposed to be our satellite has no atmosphere, thus it is again impossible for life to exist without atmosphere.The gassy planets in our solar system, provides inhabitable conditions, as there is no solid land for life to exist, critics have removed theories of possibility of life existence in Jupiter’s moon, but still no evidence has been proven. Pluto is very far away from the sun, making it a very cold planet, thus eliminating the chances of existence of life in it. Mars is the only planet that can be considered, because of a percentage of its nature like earth, but Mars has a very harsh atmosphere compared to earth, and it doesn ’t have Ozone, theories are implicated about life in mars, but the â€Å"Viking† which was send 26 years ago and the â€Å"rover†, which was send now hasn’t given any substantial proof to it.In fact SETI itself admits that the sightings done on earth were hoaxes or illusions which is confirmed by the followingâ€Å"Most of the sightings can be explained as natural phenomena or aircraft or balloons or other mundane stuff. I still haven't seen any evidence that any of these sightings involve alien spacecraft†.(Courtesy: Prof Seth Shostak, SETI institute)The truth is since we have can only base the theories of existence of life on other planets, is by look at our habitable conditions, and if we look for planets for conditions like ours, then it is next to impossible, to find the same amount of habitable conditions, as earth’s life was created by a no. of permuted combinations, which is further substantiated by the following:â€Å"Intelligent l ife on earth – product of series of extremely fortunate accidents†(Courtesy: â€Å"Life in the universe, are we alone†, Retrieved on February 10th 2008 by site theories still have to be raised then it would be of life existing beyond our solar system, but our technology hasn’t reached so far that we can actually scan the entire universe for life and with the amount of high technology we seem to have, it seems till date, life on other planet is not possible, as all the planets that have come under the scrutiny of possible existence of life do not match earth’s habitable condition, and thus are discarded from any possibility.Aliens and extra terrestrial’s life forms have always and will continue to be a subject of awe and belief for many, and when it comes to science, it only asks for proofs and subjective evidence to accept any theory that would bring light to any evide nce of life in outer space.Reference:1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nicholas backman,†Life in outer space?†,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SETI: Search For Extra-Terrestial Intelligence,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ No life in outer space For centuries, man has always wondered if he is alone in the entire universe, questions like who built the pyramids in Egypt or the Stonehenge in England have always been in a question in the minds. The term extra terrestrial has always fascinated us, and there have been many movies and book made and written simultaneously, and there have been claims of people who saw U.F.O (Unidentified Flying Object), and strange sized people, but till date no government in the entire world has not approved to these claims, and moreover most of them have been always declared as hoaxes or a misunderstanding with the high powered stealth planes. But the fact of the matter is that whatever technology and scientific research we have, it shows that is impossible to have a life existence apart from Earth for various scientific reasons, as whole scenario of existence of aliens and life in outer space is just based on hoaxes, stories and assumptions.The whole theory of existence of an alien life form exist on the cynical question, that if humans and other living creatures were born in this planet, then it is also possible for other life organism to take origin on other planets. The whole episode of existence was well supported, which led to the formation of the famous SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence), but this organization which has a basis on scientific evidences on the basis of radio and optic frequencies have failed for more than four decades to establish even a single contact, or even to prove the slightest amount proof of living organism existing on other planets.Even after their failure in detecting any life forms, the staff of SETI is still hopeful; this can be evident from the following:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If we are alone, then that’s extraordinarily remarkable in such a vast universe. Personally I don’t think we’re that special†Ã‚  (Courtesy: Prof Seth Shostak, SETI institute)On the basis of the amount of technology we have, if we have to as sess the planets in our own galaxy, existence of life seems to be a very distance vision, as scientifically it cannot be proved that our solar system has any existence of an alien life form. If we take the instance of Mercury, being so close to the sun, it is impossible to have any possibility of having life, because of the intense heat. Moon which is supposed to be our satellite has no atmosphere, thus it is again impossible for life to exist without atmosphere. The gassy planets in our solar system, provides inhabitable conditions, as there is no solid land for life to exist, critics have removed theories of possibility of life existence in Jupiter’s moon, but still no evidence has been proven. Pluto is very far away from the sun, making it a very cold planet, thus eliminating the chances of existence of life in it. Mars is the only planet that can be considered, because of a percentage of its nature like earth, but Mars has a very harsh atmosphere compared to earth, and it doesn’t have Ozone, theories are implicated about life in mars, but the â€Å"Viking† which was send 26 years ago and the â€Å"rover†, which was send now hasn’t given any substantial proof to it.In fact SETI itself admits that the sightings done on earth were hoaxes or illusions which is confirmed by the followingâ€Å"Most of the sightings can be explained as natural phenomena or aircraft or balloons or other mundane stuff. I still haven't seen any evidence that any of these sightings involve alien spacecraft†.(Courtesy: Prof Seth Shostak, SETI institute)The truth is since we have can only base the theories of existence of life on other planets, is by look at our habitable conditions, and if we look for planets for conditions like ours, then it is next to impossible, to find the same amount of habitable conditions, as earth’s life was created by a no. of permuted combinations, which is further substantiated by the following:â€Å"Intelli gent life on earth – product of series of extremely fortunate accidents†(Courtesy: â€Å"Life in the universe, are we alone†, Retrieved on February 10th 2008 by site theories still have to be raised then it would be of life existing beyond our solar system, but our technology hasn’t reached so far that we can actually scan the entire universe for life and with the amount of high technology we seem to have, it seems till date, life on other planet is not possible, as all the planets that have come under the scrutiny of possible existence of life do not match earth’s habitable condition, and thus are discarded from any possibility.Aliens and extra terrestrial’s life forms have always and will continue to be a subject of awe and belief for many, and when it comes to science, it only asks for proofs and subjective evidence to accept any theory that would bring light to any evidence of life in outer space.Reference:1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nicholas backman,†Life in outer space?†,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SETI: Search For Extra-Terrestial Intelligence,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Crucible Monologue essays

Crucible Monologue essays Setting: (The scene opens with Elizabeth and John alone in the cell. Elizabeth has been sent to plea with John so that he will confess and save his life. The cell is lit by the light coming from the rising of the sun through the cold metal bars. The cold morning symbolizes the shivering events that are about to unfold. Both, dressed in rags and looking rather weak. Extremely heavy handcuffs chain both of their wrists together. Elizabeth and John are sitting on a bench holding each others hands, staring into each others eyes. Elizabeth is now three months pregnant, very tired, dirty, and weak. John has grown out a long beard and the only thing keeping him warm at night were the thoughts of his unborn child and loving wife. John begins to speak but Elizabeth cuts him off before he could say a word. She is speaking in a very quite and fragile voice, it seems as though every word is a struggle.) Elizabeth: Oh dearest John, how I have longed to see thee these 3 months past. I have dreamt and prayed for the chance to see thee once more. The nights have been long and cold without thee, the days lonely and sad. I beggeth of thee to confess John. I have gotten word that thou are to be hanged after sunrise. I have been sent to thee as final attempt to plea with thou to save thou life, to save our life together. (She stands up and paces around herself then stops) I am yet six month before my time, and I cannot imagine raising this child without thee. I am aware that if your life is spared by your confession that we will have a lot to work on, but I love thee John. Thou knowest just as well as I know that neither of us deserve to be in here and the town is with us as well. (Elizabeth walks over towards the cell door and leans against it, speaking in a more calm voice) There has been word that the town is speaking of rebellion against the court. The entire town realizes that all of the accusations made from each of the girls, were fr...

Monday, October 21, 2019

TITLE essays

TITLE essays The Sony PlayStation 2 and the Xbox have been competing for a good while now. Some people prefer the Xbox and some people believe the PlayStation2 is better, because the PlayStation2's is the leading game console on the market. This concludes that the PlayStation 2 is in the leading game console being sold and the Xbox is far behind not only in numbers, but also in performance. According to Steven Kent fromGame Console Wars Continue To Rage? USA Today, the PlayStation2 is one of the best game systems on the market today (2). It has about 150 + games to choose from for all different levels and age groups. The Xbox only came up with 40 games to choose from. Kent later describes how the Microsoft Xbox didn't have many game consoles available and the price was more as well, on the other hand Sony PlayStation 2 sold well over 2.8 billion copies in December 2000 (2). Sony sold so many PlayStation2's they had to give people rain checks until Sony could produce enough to satisfy the customers demand. This shows that PlayStation2 is plentiful and it has a large library of games to choose from. Where as the Xbox is not plentiful and it has a limited number of games to choose from. One of the biggest things consumers look for in a video game system is the controller. It will be in the person's hands all the time any time the game is being played. And for some reason Microsoft super sized the xboxes controller, which tells the consumer to stay away from that game system. Many consumers do not like really big controllers. This is the point where the consumer looks to the shelf next to the Xbox and finds the PlayStation 2 with nice sized controllers. In doing this most of the consumer can judge which game system to purchase simply by palming the controller, although controllers aren't the only thing consumers look for in a video game system. They also look for the number of games made fo ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cmo llenar bien la planilla DS-261 para green card

Cmo llenar bien la planilla DS-261 para green card En la tramitacià ³n de las tarjetas de residencia que se hacen a travà ©s del Centro Nacional de visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), la planilla DS-261 sirve para designar agente con el que la administracià ³n se va a comunicar. En este mismo formulario DS-261 tambià ©n se designa la direccià ³n de dicho agente, es decir, al lugar donde el NVC enviar las comunicaciones.   En este artà ­culo se explica cundo procede este formulario y en que casos no es necesario. Asimismo, quà © personas pueden ser nombradas como agentes. Tambià ©n se dan importantes consejos sobre como llenarlo y en quà © momento se debe enviar y adà ³nde. Cundo se debe completar el DS-261 Primero hay que esperar a recibir notificacià ³n de que la solicitud de peticià ³n de green card ha sido aprobada, lo cual ya se comunicà ³ mediante el documento conocido como NOA2. Adems, es necesario esperar a que llegue la fecha de prioridad en todos los casos de peticiones de green card dentro de categorà ­as sujetos a mximos por aà ±o fiscal. En estos casos lo aconsejable es consultar todos los meses el Boletà ­n de Visas que publica el Departamento de Estado. Quià ©n puede ser designado como agente La ley permite varias opciones, como por ejemplo, el beneficiario para el que se solicita la tarjeta de residencia, el solicitante, un abogado o incluso un familiar o amigo de confianza. Cundo no es necesario designar a un agente   En 3 casos no es necesario: En primer lugar, en los casos de tarjeta de residencia por adopcià ³n. En segundo lugar, en los casos de peticià ³n para uno mismo. Destacar que esos casos son la excepcià ³n, ya   que en la mayorà ­a de los casos las peticiones las realiza un solicitante que puede ser una empresa o un familiar y a favor de un beneficiario.   Y en tercer lugar, cuando se tiene un abogado que ya envià ³ al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) el formulario G-28, en el que aparece como agente. Cà ³mo llenar la planilla DS-261  (en inglà ©s Choice of Address and Agent) Se llena electrà ³nicamente, para ello  ir a la pgina de internet del Departamento de Estado. Estos son los pasos a seguir: En la là ­nea justo encima de donde pone (Last Name) escribir el apellido (o apellidos)Donde pone (First Name) corresponde el nombre de pilaDonde pone (MI) escribir la inicial del segundo nombre, si se tiene.Por ejemplo, una persona que se llama  Carolina Elvira Vzquez Fernndez tendrà ­a que escribir Vzquez Fernndez   Carolina   E. A continuacià ³n hay cuatro opciones y se  pide que marcar  con una x el cuadradito lo que corresponda al caso. Asà ­: En primer lugar, si se quiere que un abogado o un agente reciba todas las comunicaciones relativas a tu caso, marca la primera opcià ³n, que comienza con las palabras I Appoint. Si esta es la  opcià ³n debe escribirse su nombre completo (name of the person), su nà ºmero de telà ©fono (telephone number), su direccià ³n (street address), su direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico (email address), su ciudad (city), estado o provincia (state/province), el cà ³digo postal (postal code) y el paà ­s (country). Este abogado o agente puede estar en Estados Unidos o en el extranjero. En segundo lugar, si se quiere  que otra persona que no es el abogado reciba las comunicaciones sobre el caso, entonces marcar con una x la segunda opcià ³n, que es la que empieza con las palabras I do not appoint. En este caso se puede elegir la direccià ³n del solicitante, beneficiario, amigo o familiar. La que resulte ms conveniente sobre todo pensando en cul tiene un servicio de correos ms confiable y quià ©n no piensa mudarse en los siguientes meses.   Donde pone street address hay la opcià ³n de incluir in care of. Esto es porque toda la correspondencia se va a enviar a  nombre del beneficiaroi, pero si en el buzà ³n est el nombre de otra persona, debe incluirse la expresià ³n de In care of y el nombre de esa persona.   En tercer lugar, si ya se ha  recibido tu tarjeta de residencia, por la razà ³n que sea, entonces marcar la tercera opcià ³n, que comienza con I have already legally immigrated to the U.S. Si ese es el caso, incluir el nà ºmero de Alien Registration Number. Por à ºtimo, si ya no se desea emigrar a Estados Unidos, marcar la opcià ³n cuarta, la que dice: I no longer wish to apply for an immigrant visa. Finalmente, firma y fecha el documento, poniendo el mes, dà ­a y aà ±o, en ese orden. Si no se envà ­a el formulario DS-261 en el plazo de 1 aà ±o, el NVC entiende que se ha abandonado la peticià ³n. Consejos a tener en cuenta al completar el formulario En primer lugar, destacar que imprescindible completar el formulario en el idioma inglà ©s. Adems, no se pueden utilizar signos o letras que no existen en esa lengua, por ejemplo, la  ¨Ãƒ ±Ã‚ ¨. Tambià ©n es importante decir que es importante guardar cada poco el formulario segà ºn se va completando, para ello hacer click en la opcià ³n de Save. Si durante ms de 20 minutos no se est activo en la pgina, el sistema se desconecta automticamente, perdià ©ndose todo lo que no haya sido expresamente guardado. Por à ºltimo, mencionar que mentir en un documento migratorio se considera un fraude de ley. Y, si es descubierto, tiene importantes consecuencias para este trmite y cualquier otro.  ¿Dà ³nde se tiene que enviar el formulario DS-261? Darle a submit. Es posible  comunicarse con el Centro Nacional de Visas, si fuera necesario. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son los casos de tarjetas de residencia que se han obtenido al ganar el sorteo de la loterà ­a de visas de la diversidad. En estos casos, comunicarse con el KCC.  ¿Quà © pasa a continuacià ³n? Una vez que el NVC recibe la planilla DS-261, enviar a la direccià ³n que se le dijo en esa planilla una factura para procesar la visa de inmigrante para el esposo que vive fuera de Estados Unidos.   Una vez que se recibe el pago, se recibirn ms instrucciones sobre los documentos a enviar y planillas a llenar y que hay que enviar al NVC como, por ejemplo, la declaracià ³n de sostenimiento econà ³mico, tambià ©n conocido en inglà ©s como affidavit of support. Finalmente se desarrollar una entrevista en un consulado o embajada de los Estados Unidos. Ahà ­ se decidir si se aprueba la visa de inmigrante, que puede negarse por mà ºltiples causas. Si se aprueba, se puede ingresar a Estados Unidos en los siguientes seis meses. El paso por el control migratorio convertir la visa de inmigrante en una tarjeta de residencia, es decir, la green card. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The World's Most Ethical Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The World's Most Ethical Companies - Essay Example It will predict the possible effects of these ethical practices to the bottom line of the company. Furthermore, existing policies will be reviewed and recommendations on the areas that need to be improved will be provided. Moral Responsibility to Consumers It has always been the ethical value of L’Oreal to be open-mindedness, wherein it always listens and conforms to the needs and feedback from diverse consumers. Firstly, cultural and racial differences are considered in the development of beauty products to global consumers (L’Oreal, 2013b). The company is committed in providing the best quality beauty products at the most reasonable price to all its consumers for their satisfaction. It always values its consumers from the development to production of beauty products down to marketing and customer relationships. Each product is formulated in conformance to the consumers’ needs of beauty. Secondly, it is active in providing sustainable consumption to consumers ar ound the world by utilising natural ingredients, which bring natural effects to the health of consumers (â€Å"L’Oreal Publishes 2010 Sustainable,† 2011). ... The company has developed a packaging policy in its environmental program in considering the environmental impact of the packaging design. The company makes sure that all its packaging materials are weighed lightly in order to reduce the utilization of cardboard materials from trees. Its packaging design has been forest certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) for the last five years. The company sees to it that the raw materials used have passed under its selection system, which requires meeting its several sustainability standards, such as conformance to biodiversity, consumer safety, and long-term accessibility. The company has also adopted an initiative in minimizing its discharge of greenhouse gases through its participation of the Carbon Disclosure Project since 2003. Its initiative has reduced its discharge of carbon dioxide in the environment by 28% through adopting sustainable raw materials and production processes (L’Oreal, 2013c). Moral Responsibility to Em ployees Aside from its responsibility to consumers and the environment, the company has also been practicing ethical practices for its responsibility to its employees. The company offers personalized programs in inducting new employees to the company, which conform to their personalities, skills, and knowledge through comprehensive trainings. In order to make the transition of a new employee successful in the company, it offers a personalized program that includes training, meetings, and discussions with the right people (L’Oreal, 2013d). All employees are also entitled to all career development opportunities despite of race, color, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analysis for the 7Cs Framework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysis for the 7Cs Framework - Assignment Example With the information provided on the website, it is easy for a potential customer to book a room because the site is enough to keep the visitors updated. All the content available on the website has been developed by the company in an effort to ensure that users of the website are well-informed (164). Community  The Le Meridien website presents a strong community because it promotes interactions between different customers. The website has a page that allows guests or visitors to share their experiences with other visitors. The page is highly interactive because new visitors can post questions to the authors of the current reviews concerning their experience at the hotel. The page serves to create a highly connected community that allows all the users to interact. The page is under the close monitoring by the site owner. Notably, this aspect is a remarkable feature of the Le Meridien website (169).Customization  A close analysis of the Le Meridien reveals that it is generic becau se all visitors to the website see the same phase of the website. The fact that the site is information dominant, it does not present an opportunity for personalization or tailoring by the site owner. All the functions and windows in the website are permanent and are the same for each viewer. Therefore, there is a salient need for the company to introduce a measure of customization so that visitors may experience a measure of freedom and exercise their self-expression (173). The communication between the users and the site owner.

The Effect of Body Language on Oneself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Effect of Body Language on Oneself - Essay Example According to the report  nonverbal communication in the simplest of terms can be defined as the process of sending a message without the use of words. It involves the use of expression of the face, the gestures we make, the postures we take, the tone of our voices and the emotions attached to it, the kind of grooming we do, the clothing we dress in, and so on.   It is important to note that the nonverbal cues one employs at times contains a message that is direct while at times the message is hidden, but all in all, these cues end up influencing the outcome of the verbal communication that we are making. It is possible to be saying one thing while our body language could be saying exactly the opposite of what we are saying.This paper declares that  it is a fact that cannot be disputed that our body language says a lot about ourselves. As human beings, we are interested in what the other persons’ body language says about them because it will basically determine how we are going to interact with them in both the short and the long run. While our nonverbal affect other peoples; how we judge them, and the outcome of the judgment, it is imperative to note that as humans, we are very much influenced by our own nonverbal especially the power dynamics aspect.  Human beings have this inbuilt tendency to display their accomplishment; that is, pride. We all express pride in one way or another.  

Description of the company as General Merchandise Store Essay

Description of the company as General Merchandise Store - Essay Example The company has also established a number of supercenters in major cities to meet the increasing demand for one-stop family shopping. These stores combine general merchandise and full groceries ranging from bakery goods, beverages, fresh seafood, fresh farm produce, condiments and spices, frozen foods, canned and packed foods, meat, and dairy products to dry goods and staples. Most of these are open 24 and have specialty shops like cell phone store, pharmacy, restaurants, hair salon, tire and tube express among others. The neighborhood markets bridge the gap between the supercenters and the discount stores by offering a limited range of general merchandise but a full range of health and beauty products, groceries, pharmaceuticals and photo developing services. The characteristics of the key players of a company have the potential of impacting on organizational behavior and this, in turn, will financial performance directly and indirectly. Because of this, there are some characteristi cs I would like to possess and would like to see them in other key players of the company like the chief finance officer (CFO) and the chief operations officer (COO). The first is having a vision. All the key players of the company must have a common picture of what the company aims at attaining. Having a vision will lead to the creation of a company where all employees work toward the attainment of a common goal. All key players should be self-less collaborators and team builders.... Having a vision will lead to the creation of a company where all employees work toward the attainment of a common goal. All key players should be self-less collaborators and team builders. These traits will go a long way into encouraging the spirit and mindset of teamwork and collaboration across the company among all ranks of employees. In relation to this, the key players should have strong interpersonal relationships. In businesses, especially retailing, people skills are as valuable as technical assets because of high levels of constant interpersonal engagement. This characteristic will therefore lead to the creation of a company where employees treat customers with the utmost respect leading to the best customer experience. The key players should also be of good character and highly ethical. This trait will lead to the creation of a company whose policies, procedures and business activities indicate a strict adherence to ethics. In addition, key players should have passion. Both employees and customers want passion if the employees embraced this character, it will lead to the creation of a customer-focused culture where everyone is willing to go an extra mile to give customers a passionate shopping experience. Analysis of motivational theories discussed and determination of how best to motivate company employees. The motivational theories discussed so far indicate a variation in views among psychologists regarding what best motivates workers. To some, workers are best motivated by pay, to others, workers are motivated by satisfaction of their social needs and to some, a satisfaction of psychological needs. However, it would be unfruitful to lay a framework for employee motivation basing on a single factor. For example, a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

American Express Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American Express - Case Study Example American Express is perceived as a premium brand product and the principles listed above are reflected in their credit card business. Though the service credit cards are directed at several different income and status levels, they have been able to maintain a mystique of exclusivity. The cards cover the range of the common inexpensive credit card to the 'cause marketed' Red Card which donates a share of the profits to fight AIDS. High income levels are targeted with the Black Centurian Card costing $2500 and made out of titanium. Their peripheral businesses, such as car rental and hotel reservations, have benefited from this brand recognition and customer loyalty. Teamwork has allowed American Express to become a truly global company. They entered the international market at the beginning of the 20th century with the introduction of internationally accepted Traveler's Checks. Their cards are now recognized around the world. While much of American Express's success has come from their innovation in financing, they have also been able to cultivate and manage relationships based on their reputation. When the company went through organizational restructuring in the middle of the 1980s to confront the growing competition from Visa and Mastercard and the loss of merchant services, they turned to their core business and its principles. "Rebuilding relationships with merchants became a top priority, as did significantly increasing American Express Card acceptance across a wide range of industries and geographical markets" ("Our History"). Years later, the company's chief executive would say, in retrospect, "If not for the strength of our brand name, American Express would have collapsed by the late 1980s" ("Our History"). For American Express, it was not the product but their brand reputation that saved the company. Today, many other products compliment the financial card segment. They have co-branded with Citi Bank and other financial institutions to offer bank issued credit cards. They offer a wide range of personal and business travel services that fit well with the financial card unit. They have become a one-stop-shop for the personal or business traveler. In addition they offer an array of business services from financing to taxes that once again are based on, and linked to, the business credit card unit. A business can arrange all their financing, financial planning, lines of credit, travel, lodging, and airlines, and have it all billed through the payment service unit. These services would not have been possible for American Express without the unique position and reputation of their financial card product. Works Cited "Our

SCADA Worm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SCADA Worm - Essay Example n facilities ranging from power plants to petroleum refineries, SCADA Worms can rapidly affect large scale industrial computer networks and IT operations. Moreover, SCADA Worms are highly sophisticated and capable of braking through different firewalls. These computer viruses infect Windows based operating systems and server environments, which are one of the most commonly used IT infrastructure equipment in USA. Next, SCADA Worms generally attack the Siemens based IT applications, which are again highly common in most of the US industrial automation and information environments. (Cherry and Langner, 2010; Kline and Krachenfels, 2010) According to most IT experts (e.g. Kim and Solomon, 2010) information security involves seven major domains. These are user domain, workstation domain, LAN domain, LAN-to-WAN domain, remote access domain, WAN domain, and system/application domain. General arrangement of these domains is shown in Figure – 1: Presently, industrial control systems are physically guarded at the workstation domain. User authentication systems and password policies are implemented at user domain. Anti-virus and Firewall software are used at the interface between the workstation domain (e.g. client side computers) and the remote access, LAN, or LAN-to-WAN domains (e.g. server side routers). But reports from Iran, India, and Indonesia show that these arrangements are essential but not enough to stop SCADA Worm (Kline and Krachenfels, 2010). Scientists like Coppolino et al (2012) suggest that Markov model based intrusion detection systems deployed at the system/application domain can be a useful deterrent against the SCADA Worm. The detection system at the industrial control engine must be both undetectable and modifiable. On the other hand, security providers like GarretCom put forward the idea of assimilating security tools from â€Å"a lot of disciplines working together to create industrial environments in a world that is increasingly connected† (Kline

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Description of the company as General Merchandise Store Essay

Description of the company as General Merchandise Store - Essay Example The company has also established a number of supercenters in major cities to meet the increasing demand for one-stop family shopping. These stores combine general merchandise and full groceries ranging from bakery goods, beverages, fresh seafood, fresh farm produce, condiments and spices, frozen foods, canned and packed foods, meat, and dairy products to dry goods and staples. Most of these are open 24 and have specialty shops like cell phone store, pharmacy, restaurants, hair salon, tire and tube express among others. The neighborhood markets bridge the gap between the supercenters and the discount stores by offering a limited range of general merchandise but a full range of health and beauty products, groceries, pharmaceuticals and photo developing services. The characteristics of the key players of a company have the potential of impacting on organizational behavior and this, in turn, will financial performance directly and indirectly. Because of this, there are some characteristi cs I would like to possess and would like to see them in other key players of the company like the chief finance officer (CFO) and the chief operations officer (COO). The first is having a vision. All the key players of the company must have a common picture of what the company aims at attaining. Having a vision will lead to the creation of a company where all employees work toward the attainment of a common goal. All key players should be self-less collaborators and team builders.... Having a vision will lead to the creation of a company where all employees work toward the attainment of a common goal. All key players should be self-less collaborators and team builders. These traits will go a long way into encouraging the spirit and mindset of teamwork and collaboration across the company among all ranks of employees. In relation to this, the key players should have strong interpersonal relationships. In businesses, especially retailing, people skills are as valuable as technical assets because of high levels of constant interpersonal engagement. This characteristic will therefore lead to the creation of a company where employees treat customers with the utmost respect leading to the best customer experience. The key players should also be of good character and highly ethical. This trait will lead to the creation of a company whose policies, procedures and business activities indicate a strict adherence to ethics. In addition, key players should have passion. Both employees and customers want passion if the employees embraced this character, it will lead to the creation of a customer-focused culture where everyone is willing to go an extra mile to give customers a passionate shopping experience. Analysis of motivational theories discussed and determination of how best to motivate company employees. The motivational theories discussed so far indicate a variation in views among psychologists regarding what best motivates workers. To some, workers are best motivated by pay, to others, workers are motivated by satisfaction of their social needs and to some, a satisfaction of psychological needs. However, it would be unfruitful to lay a framework for employee motivation basing on a single factor. For example, a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

SCADA Worm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SCADA Worm - Essay Example n facilities ranging from power plants to petroleum refineries, SCADA Worms can rapidly affect large scale industrial computer networks and IT operations. Moreover, SCADA Worms are highly sophisticated and capable of braking through different firewalls. These computer viruses infect Windows based operating systems and server environments, which are one of the most commonly used IT infrastructure equipment in USA. Next, SCADA Worms generally attack the Siemens based IT applications, which are again highly common in most of the US industrial automation and information environments. (Cherry and Langner, 2010; Kline and Krachenfels, 2010) According to most IT experts (e.g. Kim and Solomon, 2010) information security involves seven major domains. These are user domain, workstation domain, LAN domain, LAN-to-WAN domain, remote access domain, WAN domain, and system/application domain. General arrangement of these domains is shown in Figure – 1: Presently, industrial control systems are physically guarded at the workstation domain. User authentication systems and password policies are implemented at user domain. Anti-virus and Firewall software are used at the interface between the workstation domain (e.g. client side computers) and the remote access, LAN, or LAN-to-WAN domains (e.g. server side routers). But reports from Iran, India, and Indonesia show that these arrangements are essential but not enough to stop SCADA Worm (Kline and Krachenfels, 2010). Scientists like Coppolino et al (2012) suggest that Markov model based intrusion detection systems deployed at the system/application domain can be a useful deterrent against the SCADA Worm. The detection system at the industrial control engine must be both undetectable and modifiable. On the other hand, security providers like GarretCom put forward the idea of assimilating security tools from â€Å"a lot of disciplines working together to create industrial environments in a world that is increasingly connected† (Kline

Innovation Prowess Leadership Strategies for Accelerating Growth Essay Example for Free

Innovation Prowess Leadership Strategies for Accelerating Growth Essay Innovation management Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Innovative management is a strategy in which a company manager utilizes all the available resources and develops a working community where ingenuity and innovativeness work together with practicality in order to formulate reforms. Today’s fast changing business environment calls for innovation management which will help companies to achieve their long term objectives. Innovation management will help companies to maintain competitive advantage. Long term sustainability of a company may be determined by its ability to expertly direct innovation assets to address a swiftly changing economic and market setting. Innovation management includes the activities, decisions and practices that propel an opinion to realization for the rationale of breeding business worth. This paper is about software development by Samsung Company. The Company has come up with an advanced wireless disk drive that is the champion in the Google industry (Day, 2013).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samsung unlike Apple reveal good consumerist skills in the course of innovativeness. The Company usually manufactures differentiated products that ensure that consumers choose from variety of Samsung devices. For example, Samsung products are of high quality with OS and software thus thriving well especially in OS and android market. Samsung have advanced strategic capacity which enable them hang about as the greatest threat to Apple. For example, their marketing strategies are outstanding. They augmented their cost of advertisement from $78 million to $401 million. In addition Samsung association capability is first-class. They exceedingly believe in providing people with opportunities to excel. They slot in the five hub values in every action taken which enable them to prosper. They are dedicated in ensuring that they are socially and environmentally liable wherever they are operating from (Michell, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Innovation management is very important owing to the fact that Samsung Company have to work under tight budget and the increased demand from the customer who prefer high quality products and services at affordable prices. Innovation management emphasizes on production of new technologies, products and services. Samsung is also known as the giant electronic maker, it is planning to launch the advanced wireless disk drive to the android users. The advanced disk drive Crystal Disk Mark chronological read and writes scores of 300MB/sec and 250MB/sec are around three times as fast as the swiftest hard disks from any other company and the disk’s LaCie’s small-file scores are excellent: its 300KB and 250MB/sec write and read results of 700MB/sec places the advanced disk drive at the front line. The advanced disk drive is expected to be more durable as compared to other disks. Durability is more important than speed and capacity. Ide ntifying and implementing investments repetitively and effectively make up the vital purpose of innovation management. Various decisions that are prepared in Samsung Company affect the succession and eventual success of superior ideas. New innovative ideas must be aimed at solving an existing business problem or growing an opportunity (Ernst, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Successful innovation management in Samsung Company follows the following guidelines; first, whether the potential innovation is aligned with the company’s strategy. Second, how the proposed change will add value to the customer. That is how the advanced wireless disk drive will add value to the customer, the third guideline is the amount of investment that is required and whether the investment will generate good returns. Whether the advanced disk drive will attract more customers? Forth, the possible impact of innovation to the current business and whether it would affect the existing returns. Also, the time frame for the effect to be realized and the impact to the business, how the innovation will alter or disrupt current markets; whether the new idea will generate additional revenue or reduces operating costs, the other guideline is how the latest innovations improve existing or build up new obstacles to competition and finally whether there is an effortless access to the competencies required to apprehend the new idea.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The new strategy that Samsung Company should slip in when launching the advanced wireless disk drive is pricing strategy. They should employ customer-based pricing. Samsung Company is well-known for hasty production of differentiated products thus penetration pricing will work best. The purpose of penetration pricing is to enlarge market share of the product. Samsung Company by the use of penetration pricing will be able to raise prices once they penetrate the market. The new strategy will draw many customers to buy the wireless disk drive and other products. The long term gain is that Samsung will accomplish a higher market share as compared to other rivalry companies in the industry. Samsung products are somewhat differentiated and owing to price inelasticity of demand in the market; this new strategy will work best for Samsung. This will be a very competitive tool for Samsung as they launch the advanced wireless disk drive and other inn ovative products. Retrieved from Company is conversant that innovation management requires an innovation framework that will enable effective and repetitive change which will increase the capacity of the company to generate high quality goods and services. Innovation encourages the need for rapid change and rejuvenation, potentially affecting all sectors of a company. Samsung does not engage its workers in long working hours like Apple and Google since they believe in innovativeness. Transform is usually opposed which calls for necessary rewards and incentives to endorse the required innovation. The weekly meetings and workshop with the team of 8 members will be very significant since it will help me to diagnose the hindrances to innovation in the company (ArguÃÅ'ˆden, 2011).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The workshop and meetings will be exceptionally useful in understanding how verified framework to make the company more inventive. The workshop and weekly meetings will help us to find out examples of appropriate practice in innovation management and compose an action plan that will boost the innovation performance of the company. The other chief benefits of holding weekly meetings and workshops in Samsung Company include; gain awareness of how to develop excellent ideas that focus on adding value to the customer. For example, Samsung is planning to launch the advanced wireless disk drive and other products such as Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S5. Samsung operates under the philosophy of ‘people first.’ Second, help to gain self-assurance to manage the company’s assortment and shield the most innovative ideas. Third, help people to gain capacity to borrow ideas from chief management team for the company’s innovation acti on plan. Third, help individuals to gain ability to endorse an organizational culture that embraces creativity and innovativeness. It also helps to increase the alertness of apposite application of strategies so as to improve company presentation. Finally, help to build up confidence to communicate about the need for innovation and how to achieve it (Chang, 2008).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The new idea of advanced wireless disk drive must offer competitive advantage to attract new clients, maintain existing clients and cut-down the production cost with an aim of maximizing profits. Innovation is not hard but it is a complex process which involves change. Change on the other hand necessitates learning. High improbability and likelihood makes innovation management very complex, since it calls for the learning speculation to be concentrated on the areas of alteration that represent the highest possibility or uncertainty for gradual sustainability and intensification of the company. For more than 70 years, Samsung has focused on advancing the world through diversification that has led to advanced technology fashion, skyscraper, hotels, medicine, petrochemicals, semiconductors, finance and plant construction. Samsung Electronics lead takes the top position in the global market in high-tech digital media and electronic manufacturi ng. Through innovative, reliable services and products, talented personnel, collaboration with customers and other stakeholders, and responsible approach to business and global citizenship, Samsung is moving the world in imaginative new commands (Bessant, 2009).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are several external and internal triggers facing Samsung Company; however, there are many potential solutions to these problems. Three pillars of innovation must also be considered in development of innovation framework. These pillars include strategy, competency and management. Innovative competency of the company will depend on the set of capabilities and the history. Samsung main objective is making a better world through innovation. Powerful framework is based on commitment and competence which will help the company to propel forward. As the company manager it is vital to come up with strategies in the resource allocation. The strategies will also be significant in improving the existing processes and products, finding adjacencies and discovering totally new markets. A competent firm is required to manage its innovation in an appropriate manner. Samsung have to be hasty in its production so that it can cope with competition from Apple and Google. People everywhere, regardless of their earnings; desire to use superior and innovative products. Thus Samsung Company has to come up with strategies to make their products more affordable to the customers. People have different tastes, budgets, preferences and lifestyles. Through provision of innovative products that offer value for money, the company will meet different needs of the clients all over (Ghemawat et al, 2011).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The diversification strategy should focus on ensuring that the new product gives the customers confidence that the product will deliver on its promise so that they feel their money is spent appropriately. Improving brand quality will make business sense and enhance the company’s capacity to improve the lives of the low-income customers. The Samsung Company has the necessary resources, skills and the will to produce high-quality products at a lower price which meet the customer’s demands. Samsung Company must to come up with innovative strategies such as diversification strategy since the competitors are not willing to move back from breakthrough designs, very responsive and mass customizing variety strategies among other strategies that enhance production of superior products (Kenny, 2009).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The innovation team will be of great importance since they will help in generation of a set of innovation activities which amalgamates the activity into a regular cycle of running the company. The following phases in innovation management will assist Samsung to amalgamate the set of innovation activities in order to realize a fruitful end (Trauffler et al, 2007).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   They include: Setting the objectives for the process   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Innovation is all about change and starts with a goal in mind. The major problem is developing a strategy that will ensure provision of quality products at affordable prices which will attract more customers as well as retaining the existing customers. The team of innovation management has come up with diversification strategy that solves this predicament. Once the goal is identified, it will be discussed by all the members in the problem solving team. I am the leader of the team being in charge of other 8 members. These individuals are professional functional areas. The team will have weekly meetings and workshops where they will provide feedback and suggestions regarding their personal experience with the company’s product and services. I will be the leader of the team and I will oversee all the parts of the process from the beginning to the end (Hill, 2012). Cooperation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As an innovation team in Samsung Company we will work together so that rather than raising separate ideas, we can amalgamate them and develop a collaborative solution. This will be achieved through the weekly meetings and workshops. I have great experience as a manager in the company thus there is no need of hiring a trained business coach to facilitate the discussions. In addition, the prosperity of Samsung Company can be attributed to the uphill struggle and proficiency of its employees, whose mutual efforts boost the company’s competitive advantage and speed up innovation. It is also doubtless that the previous success would have been impractical without the intense interest and packed support from all stakeholders. Retrieved from Combination of ideas   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The team highlights the ideas, and then they select the most suitable ones and then evaluate to see whether they can be combined to come up with an excellent idea. In deed, bold ideas will be complementary to each other and will combine to a better result. The whole result is likely to intensify with every member contributing to the process. The success of this combined ideas require representative from every stakeholder in the process. This is because these stakeholders are experts and have crucial information that individuals from other departments could not raise. As the team leader I will ensure that every angle of innovative process is covered. The business idea is to develop an advanced wireless disk drive. Evaluation of Innovation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is a very crucial aspect of innovation management; however, it is usually ignored. When the most suitable ideas are fine-tuned, combined, and polished they should be subjected to peer review for evaluation. This will ensure the efficacy of the idea of advanced wireless disk drive. Deprived ideas will be identified in the evaluation stage before Samsung commits its funds, time and resources to them. Evaluation stage will also help the team to select idea with great potential from the other ideas that seem to have equal chances of success. This is the stage where the innovation team can alter the strategy of innovation with a lot of ease as compared to later stages. The stages after evaluation stage are more costly and thus require a lot of caution. The advanced wireless disk drive will enable customers to; access their Media Wirelessly, stream media wirelessly to Tablets or Smartphones among others, customers can also stream to up to 4 diverse devices concurrently, the drive also can operate the disk drive as a moveable DVD Writer and finally the wireless disk drive can as well be paired with Samsung Smart TV. The advanced disk drive is the quickest of all other wireless disk drives. Testing the ideas   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Once the innovation team identifies the potential idea, in this case developing an advanced wireless disk drive, they will test it so that they can identify the weak areas that require development. One of the most common method of testing service delivery or product quality is creation of test group. This will enable the innovation team, the customers, and the investors to familiarize with the new product in terms of its functioning and the necessary changes to be made to improve the product. The strategy is to ensure that the product raise interest as well as generating more orders. Customers will get interested to the high-quality products such that they will order more products from the company. Execution of the innovation implementation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   If the idea of advanced wireless disk drive passes through the testing process, it can be further modified and changed until it is ready to be implemented as a component of the company offerings. The execution of implementation is unique for every business. Unless the idea of advanced wireless disk drive calls for alteration of marketing strategies, then this step for innovation management process should be basic for the company. It will be effortless for Samsung Company to move from testing of the product to the execution if the new product were able to create interest and generate orders in the testing stage (Zacharias, 2011). Assessment of Innovation Life-cycle   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This is the step that follows after the execution of the business idea. Implementation should be closely monitored and assessed regarding the targets to be set. If the target is unattainable, the idea will be turned down calling for developments. Customer is always considered in the execution stage, the team will design measuring systems which can measure the value added to the customer through application of new strategies. Samsung work under the philosophy of ‘people first.’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The next step after assessment is starting again, identify new strategies, solutions and inspirations and taking them through the cycle until the company come up with appropriate strategies that ensure value is added to the customers. Over the last two decades, Samsung Electronics utilized a series of turn around strategies that basically altered the approach of managing Samsung Company. The employees will be forced to learn from the new speed. Creativity calls for speed in the processes, inventory turns, functions, data access and market response. The style of management which includes control and command is obsolete and the modern way of business success is accommodating new technologies as well as open leadership styles where leaders consider other people’s opinions. The innovation team has to determine how the problem is defined in order to come up with appropriate strategy. For example, Samsung identified the problem associated to access of media. They decide to solve the problem by developing an advanced wireless disk drive where people can stream at ease. This will help the company to develop and raise ideas based on the need and how to improve the brand while maintaining low prices. Capacity to come up with new ideas should be one of the most crucial priorities in an organization. Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Innovation process will also include the Samsung’s internal and external elements. The team of innovation includes eight members who are company employees, customers and other stakeholders in the company. The innovation process will consider the following: Industry and cultural context.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This refers to the environment and culture existing in Samsung Company. Samsung Company main objective is to produce first-rated product and services. The company officials also are very considerate since they respect other people’s opinions. This cultural background has greatly contributed to the expansion of the company since the employees have learnt to work under minimum supervision. The relationship between employees and the supervisors is excellent. The company is also deeply concerned with the future path of the employees and thus provides mentoring, training and essential coursework as well as coaching them. The company is also concerned about the employee’s social life and thus offers flexibility in schedules (Michell, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Employee’s opinions are also taken seriously so as to involve them in decision making. Decision making is very important and everyone should be involved since decision made will affect every individual related to the company operations. This employee relationship enhances engagement thus workers are motivated and thus will be crucial to company’s performance. Samsung Company recognizes that a company is its people, thus they operate under the value of integrity. Operations in Samsung are guided by moral values which ensure respect, complete transparency, fairness, for all employees as well as stakeholders (Mellor, 2003). Organizational context   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samsung’s structure is very distinct because although there are representatives in every sector; respect remain paramount in the company. Employees respect their bosses and works under minimum supervision. Moral ethics is fundamental principle in Samsung Company. Samsung Company believes in use technology and innovation instead of control and command. The main goal is to be the best company in product and service. Customer satisfaction is the main objective since Samsung seeks to produce high-quality products while maintaining low prices. Company culture is very crucial since it can shape or break down the company. Samsung operates under team-based culture where employees participate on all levels. Samsung Company’s culture is adaptive and hence has enabled Samsung to outshine its competitors (Haig, 2004).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Adaptive culture accommodates change which is very essential for innovation management. It is very imperative for Samsung Company to understand its culture since it will learn to shape it according to their wish. The company’s culture has experienced changes due to hiring and replacement of employees. New employees bring new values and practices to the company’s culture. Thus it is vital to access the company culture by listening to comments from suppliers, customers and the employees. The common behaviors and noticeable symbols comprise the company culture. The team should also determine the desired company culture before any change is implemented. Samsung innovation team must find out the appropriate culture that suit the company in its desired future situation. The team will also review the company’s mission, values and vision to ensure that the culture being designed will support them effectively. Samsung Company c ulture is aligned to its strategic goal (Krug, 2009).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Aligning company culture to the strategic goals includes; developing a strategy that endorses the good things in the current culture and correcting the unaligned sectors, the team should brainstorm developments in the formal laws and daily duties, the team should develop strategic plan of the desired behaviors and actions, the innovation team should communicate the recent culture to all employees, and finally the innovation team should also over-communicate the recent culture and its practices to every individual. Strategic model of innovation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samsung electronic main focus is strategic innovation endeavors on product improvement which are usually addition and convey diminutive new significance. Though the aim might be to improve the brand quality it is also good to consider company culture, resources and network. Samsung can avoid diminishing returns from increased competition by creating a new model for the product. The more the innovation team will succeed in advancement of unique features in their production, product and marketing the more the innovation will be. Samsung uses four main areas to come up with a successful new business model of innovation for secure competitive advantage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first chief area is the core strategy which implies how the company will compete. The innovation team will develop core strategy such that it includes the company mission with key objectives such as strategic intent and value proposition. The company can use the strength of the current strategy or consider generating a new one. The core strategy should focus on competitive markets, defining the environment, customers and segment. A strategic core strategy is different from that of the competing firms and builds on the company’s features and strengths. Samsung Launch of advanced wireless disk drive is a significant step that enables customers to enjoy the quickest wireless streaming from SMART hub. Retrieved from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The innovation team will also focus on strategic resources. Samsung will also highlight the areas that require reorganization and improvement of the existing staff. The team should understand the company’s patents, brands and infrastructure. The company resources are expensive to imitate as they are associated to high cost and thus scare off competing firms. The company should use its strengths to improve competition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Customer interface is the other key factor to consider, where Samsung considers the market and the existing competition. Samsung should identify the type of service, channels and support involved or that it controls with the available one so that they can add value to the product. Samsung innovation team should also use its client’s insight and use every opportunity to improve market understanding and how the market understands the company. Understanding the information requirements of chief customers and their dynamic interaction with the product or company is very important in strategic innovation. Pricing strategies might also be considered since the new product might alter the company’s practices (Michell, 2010).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Value network is another crucial factor to take into consideration. Samsung should consider the value network from the top to bottom of the value chain. The company stabilizes when it attract more finances and better partnership as compared to its competitors. The rapport between company and its suppliers influence opportunities for faster changes, price and quality of a product. The partners of the company can supply critical solutions and mechanism to the product, or create synergies or symmetries to augment sale. If Samsung innovation costs are projected to be high, the innovation team can consider a coalition even with the competing firm to enhance radical change in the market. The framework of meta-innovation is very important strategy to apply since it challenges the firms to think beyond product quality, markets and processes. Innovation does not necessarily have to be a high cost, but it should be an appropriate idea (Chang, 2008). 4. Knowledge deployment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samsung is committed to inspire people across the world by developing innovative products, new technologies and creative solutions. Samsung is changing rapidly to cope with the changing world. The company is relentless in innovation and pursuit of discovery thus creating possibilities. The launch of the wireless disk drive among other excellent products has enabled Samsung to be a world-class company. Samsung innovation has enabled advancement in technology, skyscraper, medicine, semiconductors, hotels, plant construction, finance and petrochemical among other significant application that help to push industries forward. Through creation of superior product and services, Samsung struggle to augment the lives of people across the world and ensuring positive change to the world. Samsung believe in power to connect people to what they are today with what they aspire to be in future. Samsung Company is the leader in high-tech digital products such as LCD and color television, EMS micro chip and mobile phones (Michell, 2010). 5. Methods of collaboration   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samsung has taken full advantage as a latecomer and outshined various leading companies by employing a powerful engineering of core technology. Samsung does not engage its workers in long working hours, but it believes in innovation management. Samsung work under the philosophy of ‘people first’ thus they are able to develop products that attract more customers. For example, the wireless disk drive is a very advanced tool that will enable customers to enjoy wireless streaming among other uses. Samsung has never thought of quitting transformation and innovation. History reveals how, Kun-Hee Lee, Samsung chairman is excellent in deciding and forecasting. Samsung is also able to be the world leading company because of continuous development and investment. Samsung also changed from massive imitational production to independent product development based on digital technology. Samsung endeavors to make an integrated world through g lobal citizenship and responsible approach to business as well as collaboration with their customers and stakeholders (Krug, 2009). 6. Protecting innovation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper explains how Samsung internalization in China helps it secure a competitive advantage. Samsung has three lasting forces namely promotion force, force of internal motivation and organization force. Promotion force is the company and entrepreneurship culture which control strategic decision making and approach of development of a company and determine the character of a company. Force of internal motivation is the capacity in engineering of key technology and its application which forms Samsung’s competence. Organizational force is under scientific management which enables Samsung to execute its strategy. Samsung company management involves innovation in reducing transaction cost as well as innovation in utilizing capital. Retrieved from 7. Managing risks: failure and imitation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Diversification is the key strategy that enables Samsung to cope with risk and uncertainty. Samsung philosophy is ‘people first’ which enable them to develop products that align with customer’s needs. Samsung chairman is also excellent in forecasting and deciding power which has greatly helped the company to develop products that attract more customers. Samsung success is not measured in terms of achievement, but how they have improved the lives of the people. Samsung also manage risks by changing rapidly to cope with the changing world. Samsung is a leading company in production of high-tech digital products which are unique. For example, the launching of wireless disk drive is a significant step where customers will be attracted by the drive unique characteristics. Samsung strive to make a better world through innovation, trustworthy goods and services. Samsung utilizes diversification which helps it to produce differ entiated products ranging from LCD and color television, smart phones and EMS memory chip. Customers are able to choose from variety of Samsung products which place the company at a competitive advantage. Samsung also utilizes cost-benefit analysis which helps the company to manage risks and uncertainty. Samsung measure the efficacy of a strategy by testing the ideas mainly through insights from customers, employees or other stakeholders (Kenny, 2009). 8. Commercialization   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samsung products are widely used across the world. Samsung has enhanced the growth of many businesses that use their high-tech products. Samsung strive to make the world integrated through advanced technology, finance, medicine, semiconductors, hotels skyscraper, petrochemicals, and plant construction among others. Samsung is made up of more than 78 distinct companies and joint ventures in an extensive assortment of businesses. Samsung objective is to diversify into medicine, health and biotechnology. Samsung is recognized as the leader in technology and is now ranks as a top 10 global brand. 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