Thursday, April 23, 2020

Lory Ice Religions of the WorldJournal 6 DATE @ & Essays - Shinto

Lory Ice Religions of the WorldJournal 6 DATE \@ MMMM d, y February 19, 2017 Shinto or " The way of the Gods " is the oldest religion of Japan and the world. Shinto was first used in the 6th century C.E., a majority of the Shinto beliefs deal with natural disasters, animals, and plants. Shinto has become more modern and adapted to change through the years, but the original practices still remain to this day. Over time due to the different emperors and world events Shinto has had to change in order to remain in practice however. Shinto has shaped Japanese culture greatly by influencing their art, music, and education. The roots of the Shinto are unknown. Shinto has no founder, no official scared texts, and no formalization system of doctrine. The first official recordings of Shinto are dated back to around 8th century A.D. Like many religions, Shinto was believed to have began with animist living. The Shinto worshiped different spirits such as the sun, moon, and rain to help them in their lives. This helped develop into the idea of Kami, the spirits found in plants, animals and everything in nature. The early Japanese created stories and rituals that allowed them to understand the universe and give them a grasp on the ideas of life and their existence in this world. There are seven dimensions to Shinto, experimental, mythical, doctrinal, ethical, ritual, social, and material. These dimensions are specific only to the Shinto. The initiation and ritual aspect of Shinto is to worship at he Kamidana and Shrines. Before one enters the shrine they must bow, and before entering completely, if there is a place to wash your hands you should do so to show respect. Some Shinto rituals that are preformed daily are called Harae, and Misogi Hariai. Harae is the rite of ritual purification. The Shinto lay out offerings at he shrine daily, they lay things out like food, tree branches, salt and rice. Misogi Harai, or water purification, is done daily by regulars at the shrine. It can be preformed anywhere there is clean running water. This ritual comes from Shinto history. When Izanagi-No-Okami returned from the world of the dead or Yomi. When he returned he preformed the first Misogi Harai to wash away the defilement he acquired on his journey. Shinto ' s experiential aspect has a lot to do with unity with the Kami. Kami or " Gods " are the spirits that are worshiped in Shinto Religion. Unlike Christianity that has saints and prophets, the Shinto Gods are usually elements of nature. Animals, plants, rocks and water are all considered to be Gods. People can also become Kami as long as they embody the values and virtues of Kami life. Kami and nature are not separate but Musubi is an energy that connects the universe along with the two. Kami is special in that it is is believed that Kami created all life. Shintos mythical dimensions deal with the origins of Japan. When the universe was created the first spirits entered the universe, they where called Kotoam Atsukami. These where the first Gods to come into existence. They where more in the world of Heaven or Takamagahara.. After their existence the seven generations of Kami also known as Kamiyonanayo entered the world. The first two generations of Kami where called the Hitorigami, they stayed mostly to themselves to achieve their full spiritual awareness. The other five deities were coupled up even hough they where brother and sister. These deities began to have more and more children which eventually populated Jaman and the world. The doctrinal dimension of Shinto is unlike other religions because it does not have an official sacred text. The Shinto have two main text, the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. These text held the entire Mythological background of the Shinto and the early beginnings of the Japanese islands. There are other important text as well like the Nakatomi Harea Kunge and Tensho Daijin Giki that are used for Ryobu Sh into denomination. Besides these there are not really any text to Shintoism. The Japanese religions, including Shintosim and Buddhism, are rich and complex, and it contains many condradictory trends which

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